As a newby to competitions, I've read this entire thread with all the discussions about TGP etc.. and think I've understood most of it, but I'd be grateful if someone could confirm, or correct my understanding, which is:
The competition will be held on 10 machines - which are listed on the first post of the
Machine Donation Thread
There is a fee to enter the competition, which is £?? (I assume this from mentions of Ben's overdraft)?
When you enter the competition, you get a card with space for recording 3 scores.
You go to the competition area, and play 3 games only, each game on a different one of the 10 competition machines.
After each game, you record your score and have it verified.
You then hand in your card and your scores are recorded.
If you are not happy with your scores, you don't need to hand it in which voids your entry.
You are free to enter as many times as you like, but you need to pay the entry fee for each time you enter.
After the qualification period has ended (sometime around Sunday lunch), the finalists are determined by the organisers via some clever pre-determined process.
Final (won't be relevant for me)!
The final then proceeds on the Sunday afternoon as a head to head knockout format using a variety of the competition machines.
The winner is the last player remaining after the knockout.
Players will be awarded world pinball points - these will be determined by their finishing position in the final, the TGP (Tournament Grading Percentage), and the rankings of ranked players taking part?
Classic Machines Competition
There will also be a competition played on a group of 6 older classic machines, also listed on the
Machine Donation Thread.
This will be organised differently to the main competition.
How this will be organised doesn't appear to have been discussed on this thread, although I assume it will also involve an entry fee, some form of qualifying and a final?
Assuming the above to be broadly correct, and (I'm assuming like other newbies) never having played any of the machines currently listed for the competitions, are the machines reserved solely for the competition, or will there be any opportunity to have a go on them outside the competition to at least get an idea of the ruleset, or does one just need to get on YouTube for this, and/or enter the competition multiple times?
Finally, I just wanted to say thanks to the people organising this, and I'm really looking forward to the whole weekend.