Potentially looking for an Apollo 13, don't seem to come up often though.. any idea of pricing ?
I know nothing about these machines but I seen one listed on ebay the other day,Potentially looking for an Apollo 13, don't seem to come up often though.. any idea of pricing ?
I know nothing about these machines but I seen one listed on ebay the other day,
Anyone got any idea?Anyone have any idea about how much a fully working Jack*Bot is currently worth? It's in a pretty good state. The decals are bright and there is only a few scuffs on the here and there. It is a very playable machine.
My guess is more than 1k but less than 2k - sorry if that's not very helpfulAnyone got any idea?
IMO you'd want be smoking the pipe pretty heavy to pay 4.5k for an apollo 13 and not realise the US market is completely different to the UK one.
I havnt priced it Becuase of the US addIMO you'd want be smoking the pipe pretty heavy to pay 4.5k for an apollo 13 and not realise the US market is completely different to the UK one.
Ex op one sold on here last year- was listed for £2700 ish I think. Maybe still worth around this despite the market cooling.Looking to sell my 24 to help fund a jp2 purchase, not sure what it’s really worth. Game plays fine as it should with all targets etc working. There are a couple of slightly raised inserts that only affect play at very low speeds. All gi bulbs have been replaced with comet super brights. Cab art isn't in the best condition though. Any idea what it's worth? Can't grab pics right now as I'm at work.
Ah awesome, thank you, i'll have a think about it, desperately want a jp2 but worried if I sell it I'll end up seeing something shiny and blow the cash lol but if I don't sell it will just keep dropping in value... I still have black night to play so at least I wouldn't be pinless I guessSorry was thinking of a CSI that went for £2750. 24 went for 3k so I’d say it’s probably worth around £2700 in current market
I can’t see 24 dropping much dude- it’s a good bang for buck game plus Steve Ritchie so will shoot well and Stern SAM’s are favourites with ops being very reliable. Good luck in your quest for a JP2- played the pro quite a lot at Four Quarters in Newcastle- awesome game and one of my favouritesAh awesome, thank you, i'll have a think about it, desperately want a jp2 but worried if I sell it I'll end up seeing something shiny and blow the cash lol but if I don't sell it will just keep dropping in value... I still have black night to play so at least I wouldn't be pinless I guess
@replicas sold one I remember it being up for over £3k and there’s one showing for sale at £3,400 @robotgregJust out of interest what do people think a Johnny Mnemonic is currently worth in today's market?
That sounds fair enough after only 2/3 months, though you’ll have your answer soon enough by gauging the amount of interest.Just wondering, even though I’ve already posted it for sale but wanted to check here as an afterthought.
The banzai run im selling currently, would people agree with the price at £5500. I’ve just asked what I paid for it at the time which was only 2/3 months ago and remember lee having 2 or 3 people after it so assumed was an ok price to resell
Interesting. For some reason, I thought it was more popular than Dialed In due to the theme, rarity and amount of clobber on the playfield. My older son quite enjoyed playing it at Pinball Office (presumably due to the amount of sparkly clobber). I personally prefer The Hobbit, as you do, due to theme and the presence of a large rotating dragon.Sold my WOZ for £5250 back in the day. Probably go for £6-6.5 now I'd imagine