Evening, ive got a couple of pins I'm possibly looking to sell as I haven't got the time to put into them. Just need some ideas on value/opinions please.
First up is a funhouse project, has had the central mylar removed, inserts are level, but the mylar glue remains. Some wear spots as shown, game boots and plays albeit needs a left flipper button new switch/check as neither operate. Some incorrect and broken plastics, main ramp is cracked and broken, inserts need new decals, clean working pcbs, one burnt molex, sub is not working, cabinet is tatty but solid and will need going over, some rusty parts as shown. Rudy works but will need a strip down as will the whole game. Hopefully the photos and video give a good indication as to the condition. A very do able protect imo.
Spares included: new main ramp, new old stock insert decals, new old stock/new plastics where needed, new rubbers set, new scoop/hole cliffys set. New slingshot bracket as the existing one is broken (shown). Also comes with a new trap door hinge as the existing one is a bit bent.
Loads of photos and a video of it the other day.
Bally Radical, nice honest working game, has very little playfield wear, central area is mylar covered from factory as I understand it.
New legs and bolts, new cabinet protectors, large blue plastic and small metal (like sterns) for covering the wrinkles on the decals.
Left flippers will need EOS or rebuild as they are weak.
Needs a general good clean and polish. Left top ramp has a crack at the bottom, would repair easy with some liquid fibreglass. Has a new repro set of plastics, which are fine, some are a little off on the colour. Cabinet is bright and not faded.
Loads of photos and video I took last year.
Thank you.