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The eBay Auctions / Facebook / Gumtree / Shpock 2025 thread

Muswell Hill to York😏

One of the best games of the era and it’s not Bally😂

If you were there in the early 80’s you would know😎

Cheap enough if can be fixed, backglass looks flaky as well. Adds up.

Edit: Backglass looks like it might be a new replacement and looks ok, didn’t last night🤪
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They also have ebay profiles for Barnsley, York, Harrogate - all over the place

Many years ago I bought a project WPC game from them of eBay, the DMD was missing and all wires between head and back box had been cut. I arrived to collect it and when I realised it was a dealer my heart sunk a little. Turns out every board in the back box was dead, and not original to that game.

Was a good project in the end, but 100% misrepresented not just solder a few wires back together and replace the DMD as they suggested.

Still, it was cheap, great satisfaction repairing the boards and I had about 14 years of fun out of it before moving it on.
They also have ebay profiles for Barnsley, York, Harrogate - all over the place

At some point you have to wonder if they are putting in more effort to scam people than it would take to run a legitimate business ?
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What is the post or magnet in Uncle Fester nose? I've never seen that on an TAF before?

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They also have ebay profiles for Barnsley, York, Harrogate - all over the place
Weirdly I could have sworn that SuperArcade86 account used to be a business account and it had the business address listed on their pages and it was in York, deffo looks like a business property going by the background of the pictures.
Credit Dot too, I Wonder what the state of the boards are like after seeing the rest of the machine 😬
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Credit Dot too, I Wonder what the state of the boards are after seeing the rest of the machine 😬

My guess:
Cpu board ok as replaced but switch connectors at bottom a nice shade of green as a result of battery leakage.

GI connectors and board pins toasty with a few of the wires soldered direct to the board.

HV section of dmd board toasted to a crisp with various jumper wires holding it all together.

Various components replaced with what look to have been replaced with a plumbers blowtorch patched up with various jumper wires.

Any less than that and I would be disappointed.
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