OK, the build up to the weekend starts now!!!!
Its Funball 4 - back after its Pinball Expo / NLP break!
Episode 3: For Yarcade's Eyes Only
10:30 Doors open for practise and registration.
11:00 Event Starts
13:30 Lunch
16:00 Finish
We will play 7 rounds of matchplay.
Location details will be emailed out later this week. make sure you add
neil@domino.org to your spam filter.
Player List:
If you are not on the list and plan to come, please register at
http://playpinball.uk/ we have 4 spaces to take us to 36 players.
Game List:
Thanks to all that gave feedback we got more than half of you to respond - key themes:
Excellent running
Fantastic games
Space much better
Excellent host and great food and cake! And you all like Mandy more than me!
Rain was a pain but most agreed even the three wisemen of pinball couldn't do anything about that.
More time to play before hand and I didn't want to leave.
To respond:
We have sacrificed, with the help of a flame thrower, a Popeye pinball machine to the rain gods to hope that its dry!
Trophies are here!
Preparation for Episode 3
Q advises us that a Cake will be there...
BUT Yes its the episode with the ropiest tune but after an epic effort Martin has built a fantastic place YOU ARE GOING TO BE BLOWN AWAY!!!*
We still have places for this round you can register at playpinball.uk
Neil Martin and Paul - T3WMP
(* Assuming he finishes it in time LOL)