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T3WMP Present "The Funball 4; A Winter Tournament for London and the South East!"

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Ok for those of you who want to see how you are doing live you can sign up for a matchplay account. This will allow you to see your performance, who you have played and who you are playing. Matchplay is a cloud scoring system that is used at major tournaments in the United States.

if you head to https://matchplay.events/

and sign up - the software will match your entry (as long as you spell your name right etc :) )

You won't be able to see much as the event hasn't started yet but it will make it easier for you to know whats going on on the day!

Any problems post here and we will help.

ok now fully booked...

Email will go out tonight with details of location and timing but two things:

1: This is a matchplay tournament so you play 3 of your friends. or your play three people that will become your friends! And you do this 7 times!
2: We open at 10:30am and start at 11am because its matchplay you need to be there at 11am :D we should be finished by 15:30! if you are one of those people that are always late, pretend that we start at 10:30!

also we are using the http://matchplay.live/ events software so register for an account (spelling your name right!) and you'll get info delivered James Bond style direct to your device for the tournament including the list of players, the games we are playing, which game you are playing and whom you are playing, but don't worry if you don't have a device we will have screens for you to look at too!

did you have any problems ? Martin couldn't make it work.
Sorry mate no - was good as gold, just make sure you put correct email in to verify, only thing I could see as being a stumbling block, very - very slick looking thus far but the prof is in the execution, let’s what it does live
Ok email with final details sent out - let me know if you didn’t get it!

Remember see you at 11am!!


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
That politically incorrect one with the juicy fruit.

My wife has no confirmed I have gone mad by laughing out loud whilst sat on my laptop.
Thanks everyone for a great event.

Huge thanks to Paul for hosting and doing a great job with excellent hosptiality. Despite me cocking up the tournament software we finished bang on time! I'm working with the Matchplay folks to merge the two scores so it all looks good for the rest of the tournament. See below for results - Congrats to Stan for an excellent result.

"Look after Mr. Pavlov. See that some harm comes to him."


Pavlov will be back in "Dominos Are Forever" at the Domino Arcade 14th October!
Some stats from the first 5 rounds

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A huge thank you and congratulations to @Neil McRae and @Mfresh - solidly put together, taking the software in your stride as I am sure it had innevitable issues somewhere along the line, but never felt it as a player. A lovely set up, and great food all for a good cause. The only thing I can say was bad about the day was how I played, but that was to be expected.

Thanks all!
Also big thanks to Neil and Paul. Great hospitality:)

Very friendly, well run event, great pins.

And that cake was epic - would include a picture but I forgot to take one!
Great event. Wonderfully hosted and great atmosphere despite the glitch and 'snugness'. Many thanks for organising and hosting Paul and family and Neil and Mandy too. Delicious curry!
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