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- Oct 21, 2013
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The PRO are now in stock!! Getting mine for the house today.
Netflix HQ - 547.5 days ago......
Stern: Can we get a License for Stranger Things?
Netflix: Maybe....
Stern: What do we need to do to make this happen?
Netflix: Give us sh*t loads of cash and make it completely unique, with a Netflix spin
Stern: Emmm..... let us get back to you
1 week later.......
Stern: Got it - how about Netflix branding + we design it with a pinball first projector..... just like going to the Flix??? - Netflix - get It? That will work!
Netflix: Ehhh.. cool.... do you have to play it in a movie theater with the lights out?
Stern: Well...... you play it anywhere you like really, lights on/off, it just works, in fact no one will actually look at the screen when playing, its a cool gimmick really........ who cares, everyone will buy it, we will make sh*t loads of cash.
Netflix: Dude this sounds awesome!
I find it a bit sad how they are getting so slated already on here when no one has even seen or played it and probably 90% of the haters have never bought a nib pin or have any intention of buying one who would ever plays a pinball with the lights turned up on full nobody stern produce 3 to 4 pinball tables a year at a 3 tier level to suit all the pro being the cheapest pinball on the market even cheaper that spooky which let’s be fair you could make in your garage I have seen and worked on both all spooky pins and stern and stern wins hands down I think to quote one call out in Rick and Morty is better is than strangers things I think you are going to be very disappointed when Rick and Morty turns up in 18 months
I thought Roy Orbison was dead?
I thought Roy Orbison was dead?
Sounds convincing but his eyes tell the truth..
I’m liking this. I like Eddy games and I’m not a great player but this is very good!!
I’m liking this. I like Eddy games and I’m not a great player but this is very good!!
i can’t agree with his view on dimpling. he’s not telling the truth imho. the dumpling isn’t the wood it’s the clearcoat
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No; it’s the wood - go read the long thread on pinside. Go read the the stuff that CPR say in pinside about the wood that they buy and the cheap wood that stern buys (from the same place!)
Think about the clear coat on your car.
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