From Levi who I have a lot of respect for...
I played it. It’s fun. Leg levelers where about half way out in the rear and we had zero problems getting the ball to plunge deep in the orifice. The one set up a few blocks away I’m told that shot was impossible and the game was at max steepness, so that could be a clue for you forlorn no ballers.
Another fun game. It’s nice and fast and smooth.
Time will tell where it settles in the grand scheme of things.
I really had zero problems with the game. A couple in my party did; they were just repeating Facebook / pinside complaints they’ve seen about “cheapness” and “Plastic.” Kind of feel bad for them as the internet is slowly ruining their enjoyment of pinball.
My best games (over 100 mill) I was avoiding the center completely except for if I had it open by chance or during the lucrative upside down hurry ups. Every other shot is safer so why take the risk? Same way I play
Afm. I played 5 or 6 games my best score was 270 mill (the GC. Game been on location only 1 day).
A friend of mine couldn’t resist the center strat and was consistently getting the second demo which is a 2 ball multi. He was getting decent scores but I wasn’t digging that style of play. In all my games I only opened the demo once, I was more focused on all the other shots.
I’d agree the big flat billboard looks a little funny at first glance but when it opens the lighting effect was really cool. I liked all the lighting and the way the game looks. It’s stranger things and has lots of stranger things stuff on it.
I think if you are looking for things to hate about it you’ll have no problem coming up with stuff to hate about it. If you bought it and want to like it, you’ll be really happy with it. It’s fun now, has an excellent presentation, and will get loads better as code matures.
So everybody’s happy!
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