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Stern Led Zeppelin

- Love the Psychedelic playfield
- The Pro + Premium art plain sucks
- The mods look great
- The LE is the best of the bunch if I HAD to choose but why they couldn't have done Mothership with the Symbols is beyond me
I'm cool with the premium art, combined with the black armor, just that it's unimaginative. I see why folks were calling it a Dad pins now - the LE should go down if you have kids....(but just makes me feel ill).
Well after listening to Garry waffle on for an hour and nearly having a heart attack about someone leaking footage what can I say other than pants
Art rubbish
Playfield rubbish back to the old photo shop the only thing I liked was the illuminated side blades on the le and premium one positive if you bought a pro they do the art blades as a accessory
Nice to see them already launching the accessories already but you know it Neil that topper is going to be 1k
Who here thinks Neil will have an LE bought by this time tomorrow night 😂

While I have nothing against slightly camp guardian angels, I don't think they make a very appealing toy.

This has definitely got an air of phoned in about it
Well after listening to Garry waffle on for an hour and nearly having a heart attack about someone leaking footage what can I say other than pants
Art rubbish
Playfield rubbish back to the old photo shop the only thing I liked was the illuminated side blades on the le and premium one positive if you bought a pro they do the art blades as a accessory
Nice to see them already launching the accessories already but you know it Neil that topper is going to be 1k
sorry Gary but they make it too easy :D
the plus point about Steve's designs is that they have lots of backhand ability and I like that in a game and this has it in spades

each band member has a multiplied that goes up by .1 that you build via combing into that target bank.
when you start the playfield multiplier all 4 are multiplied together. 1.1 x 1.4 x 1.6 x 1.1 for example. they don't last long so a tip of the hat to whitewater.

so the rules look interesting.
10 song modes with a sea of sim and portal wizard modes plus 4 tour modes, 4 tour multiballs, and world tour wizard
After AIQ from Keith this looks phoned in, which is a shame as the rumour was Steve was being let loose on this title. The rising mech is what 3rd or 4th time used now? And Ironman certainly looks to have done it better, monger rising up out the playfield over a spinner anyday.
Love my rock n’ roll pins and not sure what I was hoping for - this ain’t it though.
I’m sure it‘s a blast to play - when can I come and try your funk version Neil?
Not a whole lotta love so far for this (ay thang you). Pre-order your Pro now for 8 and a half g's! Imagine that monstrosity rocking up after you've dropped that amount of cash. Might well shoot like a dream of course, let's hope so.
Is that the Marilyn ramp from Munsters on the right?
I'm sure it will be great to shoot.
Problem is, the Pro + Prem are using the Album art which looks low resolution on the cab. Even years ago..... I never liked their album covers so why would I like it on a Pin exploded? Just cause your a fan of the music, you don't have to trick your brain into believing the album art is cool, it ain't.
The LE looks higher res, a bit better art, but I would want the mod symbol side rails as they are cool.
So, if you went for the LE, you can't get those nice symbol side rails unless you pull the LE ones off then you may start changing the powder coat.
shots change on the game as the song moves forward with special solo shots at the solo sections of certain songs.

on Kashmir you hit the outer ramps to line up for a large shot on the middle ramp.
Let’s just hope it plays better than it looks. Kind of reminds me of the **** art that appeared on Austin Powers. I don’t think it’s going to much of a dent in JJPs sales.
all shots work towards record sales and getting to platinum then get to top of the charts
well two of my fvourite bands - ep and the beatles and im not in a rush to own either pin. Love the led Zep III artwork, but zep 1 artwork on a pin is pants. and the LE........well..........
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