Play with your chin on the lockdown bar, it looks great thenAnyone got any suggestions on improving the picture quality, looks washed out?
Play with your chin on the lockdown bar, it looks great then( display has a terrible vertical viewing angle). Adjusting your display settings can improve it a lot though, I'll post mine shortly.
That’s the general consensus as the one they use is pretty ****e TBHreplace the monitor...
I’ve got lots of issues and problems Chris and it’s far from perfect in so many ways I don’t know where to begin.
However I kinda accepted the fact I would be forever tinkering as I’ve been following the pinside thread and knew the pitfalls I was getting into.
I actually took over someone’s spot and never bought it blind like I did with GnR CE which turned out roses! pun intended.
The only reason I jumped on board was theme as it’s killer for me, that and the fact I love the sound and light show of TNA which it captures somewhat but adds adult humour beyond your wildest dreams.
Without the theme it would not be here as it’s more brutal than GB and probably the chunkiest pin I’ve ever played.
I can actually see them being sold on fairly quick as they have been on pinside especially if you don’t get the humour or never watched the series.
Only time will tell if it becomes a sought after pin but I very much doubt it either way mines going no where in a hurry.
I wholeheartedly agree on theme that’s why I own it. As I’ve said video and call outs not an issue in fact probably the best and most extensive use of assets ever to be used on a pin probably alongside GnR!chunkiest?
I don’t understand why anyone would buy one of these if you don’t like the series, as it’s all about the theme with all the video, sound call outs and Playfield shots. Personally I love the theme, layout, call outs etc etc and I know the code will be spot on to.
Why do you have to tinker and mess around? Is it acceptable and should we not complain after paying close on 8k?There really aren’t that many issues and nothing that cannot be sorted fairly easily.
While the screen isn’t the best quality making the adjustments I suggested ( but were
Ignored) it is acceptable.
People on pinside are selling their positions, not machines, mostly to make a few bucks.
I wholeheartedly agree on theme that’s why I own it. As I’ve said video and call outs not an issue in fact probably the best and most extensive use of assets ever to be used on a pin probably alongside GnR!
I love the game and it’s going nowhere but to say it’s not clunky and great playfield layout I will agree to disagree on.
The proof is in the pudding when you watch anyone’s stream in fact try dead flip he has the skills but the layout brutalises even him so no one can tell me this is a smooth layout.
Yes I love the horseshoe lock, yes the pop bumper is a simple yet amazing addition along with the tried and tested magma save (antimatter).
Maybe it’s just me and jack danger that struggle to get the garage shot and combos flowing but the few times I do admittedly give you a pin god feel that has you buzzing.
I look forward to more code updates and getting the annoying flipper drops sorted. I guess I’m lucky to even own one so don’t think I’m rubbishing the pin it has a hell of a lot going for it but with caveats you have to accept. Well me anyways.
What power supply is in it? Is it the std 48v 9a mean well? And have they got a power filter board for the 48dc like on stern games? If so what value caps are they using? You need a few large filter caps on the 48v line with these modern switching power supplies for this exact instant current delivery reasonreally ****ing me off