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Spooky Pinball - Halloween

So I got two questions answered during the stream.

1. Production will ramp up to 20 - 40 a week once they have confidence the machines are being built reliably. They are currently building the first 20.

2. One of Bugs all time favourite films is JC's The Thing, which gives me great hope they will do a theme on it one day.
I am a huge Halloween fan, but the timing of this one was all wrong for me!

However, after seeing the gameplay, I have to say I was a bit underwhelmed. The cabinet and artwork look amazing, but the gameplay looks a little flat. Plus, I cannot believe they are still pushing ahead with those cheap strip LEDs, they look like a cheap mod!

I will be very interested in playing one in the flesh though!
its hard to get a real view of this game the way they did this video - its code time though and the coder doesn't have a great rep sadly.
So I got two questions answered during the stream.

1. Production will ramp up to 20 - 40 a week once they have confidence the machines are being built reliably. They are currently building the first 20.

2. One of Bugs all time favourite films is JC's The Thing, which gives me great hope they will do a theme on it one day.
thats a big range 20-40 a week? is they do 20 a week we will probably see the games in April next year I would guess
If they do 40 a week we would see them maybe in January...
Watched it last night, I was tired which means I only focused on the negatives😁

Things I noticed were the centre ramp with the hidden diverter was hit and miss when it was supposed to go to the upper upper playfield, rolled back down half the time but when it diverted left was ok so needs a very solid shot to get up there. That could get annoying especially if the flippers get fade.

On a mode where you were not making the shots the music/effects were just looping and that really got on my nerves.

Those leds but need to see in person really and he said that they would put some code in so you can dim right down, I hope they code it so they dim down to events as the brightness looked too much. For Halloween.

The lower upper playfield ball return to the plunger, what is the point of that? Maybe it helps if multiple balls are up there.

Still no idea about the call outs as the audio was so low on them but the music/effects was high?

Hopefully by the time we get ours it will be mostly complete and tweaked for the better, they said still work to be done.

Looked a real challenge and totally different from the norm, good or not so good we will find out!
I can never tell until it’s in my room anyway😂

How did UM compare?

Will have to watch it again.
Yeah Ultraman does nothing for me, watched half an episode and found it terrible. Sometimes it’s so bad it’s good but not this time😂
They have probably put more into UM at this moment as that was first so HWN playing catch up.
I think based on the stream ultraman looked better so far with the batman66 style approach to screen and upbeat music, b66 bonus jingles etc. Dark themes like Halloween can be tricky to get right but the pumpkin glowing orange looked great. i quite liked the stop frame Halloween animations to and will be good when more movie footage is in to switch back and forth from . Seemed a lot further behind assets and lamp shows wise then ultraman

stream wasn’t that great though with the missing call outs and amateur hour moving the Mike all the time. Screens going off, expected better !!
Yeah Ultraman does nothing for me, watched half an episode and found it terrible. Sometimes it’s so bad it’s good but not this time😂
They have probably put more into UM at this moment as that was first so HWN playing catch up.
Seems like one of those themes that works for pinball where there’s small clips and good call outs, light hearted fun, but not to sit down and actually watch on tv. Like a lot of 60s shows now!
thats a big range 20-40 a week? is they do 20 a week we will probably see the games in April next year I would guess
If they do 40 a week we would see them maybe in January...
Have to agree a 50% difference is mad you also have to factor in parts shortage that could hold up production if the production machine of stern is struggling with parts then I suspect other companies will too
Have to agree a 50% difference is mad you also have to factor in parts shortage that could hold up production if the production machine of stern is struggling with parts then I suspect other companies will too
Saying upto 40 a week was just their wishful thinking. I’d stick to thinking 20 a week max. Parts supply is going to dictate everything regardless
Ultraman looks better in my opinion.
The screen layout on Halloween looks very 'home brew'

I wish they would put low reflective glass on for demos (or remove the glass).

Also a direct audio feed would also be nice.

Oh, and get rid of Jack Danger. Who calls themselves Danger. Or is that his middle name?
Watched some of the Halloween gameplay. Looked good, not amazing but definitely cool. Don't think it's one I'd rush out and get but it's definitely original. Ultraman is just too weird a theme for me.
Around 1hr 23 they mention they will be building on roughly a 2:1 ratio (2 Halloween's for every 1 Ultraman).

Should help us further predict when we get ours.
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