Hey guys sorry it's taken so long , but just wanted to say a huge thanks to everyone that helped make this slam better than ever.
Northern NLP mob were spectacular as always , after all the issues with the power we got there in the end Cheers chris and co, many thanks to Andrew harris for sorting us out with all the cables and for pulling some strings to get us a great price. Classic line from mark to chris at the end of the slam " ere poi what's that big flight case there mate?" Hmmmm that was about two hundred cables and extensions lol but hey we didn't need them
Thanks to everyone that ran tournaments , Martin, stormy , rich and Kate.. Also cheers Craig for taking control of my shoot to thrill Acdc tournament as I was too tired to be bothered with sorting it at that time in the evening, especially after moving those five machines . Cheers Matt for sorting the trophies ( still need to know how much we owe you for them ) and mannys awesome as always custom trophies which look like they should be in an art gallery
All the video game collectors out there that lent and kept games running, RGP for supplying the bulk of the games and the collectors from ukvac and especially Ol and Rav, also thanks to everyone that bought pinballs and also everyone that kept then running as we really missed the presence of the legend over the weekend , I think Matt Adams and Rav had their heads inside machines most of the weekend.
Ahh the raffle prizes some great gifts and again huge huge thanks to all that not only donated but all of you that bought tickets like crazy people

Rav Matt and Ivan that put in all the time and effort of making the machine look beautiful and for also keeping the slam together , gotta say our team is incredible and although being the one with the good looks and the tv personality that I am these days

this show is a joint effort and the best thing I always feel about the slam is that everyone just does their own thing and 90% of it is made up as we go and somehow even when disaster strikes or the doom clouds set in , it just keeps going and we always get there ...
Thanks to all that stayed to help us set up and pack up, now this is the only negative thing I am gonna say, why why why is it always the same people hanging around and helping pack down? You can't imagine how disheartening it is when you know that an hour before close you had hundreds then suddenly it's 20, now we all have long distances to travel , we were still clearing machines on Tuesday!! Come on people and point whores at the next big show just stay for an hour and pack one game or pick up,some rubbish anything
Paul for designing the site and for putting up with my constant changes , Rav for designing all our flyers and logos and for being awesome, Matt Adams is a legend , tom for the big van, Ivan for his awesome hair , Ol for his muscles , stormy for the Chinese , john, Bradford , Stan, marc, chris, Vince, Parkings, Blakemore, eatons, oh man so many of you that bought games you all rule...
The raisons who without them the slam would look like a dark empty hall, as it's the lighting that makes the place come alive...
Ok this is sounding like an oscar speech here, all I want to say its thank you too you all , apologies for my rambling lack of grammar and punctuation.. So sorry if I haven't thanked here but I am getting round to individual emails ..
Anyways this is the bit you want to here.....
Ok now bearing in mind at one stage we were worried about breaking even due to some penis booking the slam on Easter

so far the total that we will be handing over to Echo and that you have all helped raise is ...... £6500 ish

Now I say ish as we still have a few bits to sort but it's in that ballpark
So huge congratulations guys you did this ... Big pats on the back to all of you ....
Much love
Will x
Hope to See you all at the NLP unfortunately can't make pin party due to holiday