Sneak at some work in progress on the next update. Do not quote this rev as anything more than work in progress. There are more things I want to add and these notes may change..
RFM Update - Work in Progress Only
Quick-Shot - Feature lamp effects improved for active hurry up
Quick-Shot - Added timer pausing for when ball enters/exits jets and upper lanes
Quick-Shot - Added timer pausing for when ball enters exits stroke of luck
Quick-Shot - fixed bug where some scenes background graphics were lost after hurry up ended (achieved or not)
Quick-Shot - Added speech for start and shot success
Question Mark - Percentage of mode selection updated. Autopsy now most likely mode
Question Mark - Martian Aerobics, renamed Martian Invaders
Capture Multiball - Added sneaky lock acknowledgement (lock from rear when lit avoiding diverter)
Circle Shots - Missiles are now only collected/fired when there is an unlit missile circle insert on the playfield
Circle Shots - Completing a set (4) missile shots now ups the bonus multiplier by 1 each time (on that ball)
Attract - updated lamp patterns to fix missing saucer rim 9 lamp on main pattern strobe
Skill Shot - Fixed Super Skill Shot activation which was broken
Outlane - Improved sound and speech calls logic