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Restoration of my Seeburg Magnastar SB100 Jukebox (1976)

Speaker grill restoration.

The Magnastar originally had a black and grey striped metal striped grill. Designed to look like speaker cloth, but with the durability of metal grill for operated location speaker protection!

In the 48 years mine has been alive, it lost the pattern along the way!

Now returned back to factory!! Luckily my neighbour is an expert on vinyl masks and cutters!!

The reasons these seeburgs play dink and undinked records is they used to do 'albums' that had 3 tracks a side for jukeboxes. They used to cost (usually) double the price of a normal record and pressed at 33rpm.

The way the jukebox would know the speed is 33rpm had a small hole and 45rpm had the big hole.

Many record decks in the USA used to work the same way.

When these hit the UK a young engineer I know (Alan the founder of Sound Leisure) used to remove this feature as these mini albums were not available in the UK in the 60s/70s.

Alan once had nearly 1000 Seeburgs on site.

Some Rowe Ami's had this feature but called the 'automix' which again in the UK normally has the speed controller part of the circuit bypassed.

Seeburg mechs are brutal as well, they will have your finger off if it gets trapped.

As per engineering - they are absolutely amazing.
^ the 2 NSMs I just got have a similar feature they can play large and small hole, but that doesn’t determine the speed. Instead you can set each selection to be either a “single” playing at 45 for one credit, or an “album” at 33 for 2 credits (or more). The selection is made on the A-Q letters, so it means a whole bank of 8 selections must be set to 33&1/3!
This dual speed and extra credit features adds quite a bit of complexity to the electrics. I say electrics as the credit addition and subtraction is via an electromechanical unit, as is the write in and read out of each selection. Here’s the credit unit
The album playing number of credits is altered by the metal selector arm bottom right - can be 2,3 or 4 credits. It’s set to 2 (II) at the moment
The three stacked white cog wheels in the centre are to add credits each one corresponding to one of the 3 coin slots on the coin mech!
The rotating arm sweeps across those round contact points and that’s how the system can tell if you have enough credits for an album play. You can actually clock up 16 credits but it counts 1,2,3 4, “5 or more” using the arm& contacts.

I have a collection of Japanese Beatles EPs that play at 33&1/3 so this features could be useful to me.

The manual for these particular NSM models is in German only which is slowing me down a bit😂😂😂
@AlanJ - You can just disable the credit unit so the coil that removes the credits gets disconnected.
But if you have a coil that holds the selections down always powered they get hot!
I know a lot of engineers that disconnect the said coil and get the customer too press the letter and number down together until they hear a click - which is a bit rubbish!
I would stick a freeplay button on the machine to give you two credits at a time.

I do not know if its worth having a chat with Doug - He ran Sound Sense electronics up your neck of the woods. Now retired. He was the NSM expert. I believe he wrote a lot of the UK manuals. He also was the first employee at sound leisure. I am not sure if he was into these older ones at all.

The way this is going it may be worth @Paul giving the forum a jukebox section - it seems to have a cross over on here but there are no good jukebox forums since the 90s.
^ yes I noticed that whilst credits are still on, it locks on a coil on the letter and numbers selector panel, so not a good idea to leave credits on. So I agree, best thing to do is add a button to add credits. There is an add credit service button inside the cab, so just a case of adding a duplicate to the outside.

A jukebox section here would be really useful @Paul, if possible. As @Pick Holder says there isn’t a decent forum elsewhere. Jukebox addicts is like tumbleweed
And i was enjoying my thread being the jukebox section , hahaha

A full jukebox section would be great :)
^ yes I noticed that whilst credits are still on, it locks on a coil on the letter and numbers selector panel, so not a good idea to leave credits on. So I agree, best thing to do is add a button to add credits. There is an add credit service button inside the cab, so just a case of adding a duplicate to the outside.

A jukebox section here would be really useful @Paul, if possible. As @Pick Holder says there isn’t a decent forum elsewhere. Jukebox addicts is like tumbleweed
Some people build freeplay devices so when it sees a letter being pressed it will engergize the coil until the selection has been made.

Quite easy to do but I never liked those era NSMs so never bothered.

See you tomorrow (thurs) @AlanJ
Speaker Grill restore completed!! Extremely please with how this turned out.

For anyone else wanting to do this to a messed up original the stripe is 5/16"

Next up. The bottom panel portion on the outer frame which should be cream in colour. The 3 other panels (2 sides and top) are almost complete, but the bottom part was in a sorry state.

Enter Evaporust!! Not sure who's used this before but it's magical stuff!!!

See here - https://amzn.to/3Tdc5U2

Made a custom container to house the item and for the evaporust liquid to cover the itemIMG_4953 2.webpIMG_4957.webp

Wait 2 days!!






Job done :)
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