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Post your Oasis queue misery here

6 1/2 hours to finally get on - prices were £355 per ticket!!??
Changed date and was put back in a queue of 148,000 people. Kept perservering and now can’t even log in to my ticket master account 🤦🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️
The whole event ticket v demand processes in this country are so screwed/skewed.

Yes, removing the resale/scalpers would certainly help but only so much.

I don't have a solution, but have been on the receiving end so many times, and not just for the huge gigs either.

Then there's football. Personally I'm not a fan, but my 13y son is. Trying to get home tickets for a premier league game is next to impossible.

Anyhow, rant over, I'll gladly sit at home and spin their vinyl, happy at the hours, money and F5 keys I've saved.

Good luck to all who tried and want tickets.
Wife got 3 tickets standing at Wembley on TM in the end. But it wasnt without casualty. TM has decided it doesnt like my computer anymore:

Absolutely no idea why but it worked for us?
It all went wrong about 8.45 my “lad” managed to create a separate account on ticket master and logged on ( been trying sat patiently since 6.30?) got on got told 204 in queue and bought tickets at 9.10?
Still don’t know why? Or what? happened as we are currently in a caravan in a field Using 4G on a mobile phone tether?
Guess stars just aligned?
Anyway hope some more actually got tickets?


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I can’t say I’ve ever known anything like it. Pure madness.
I was 366311th in the queue. 😆😆
Luckily saw em back in the day. So not too disappointed. Im sure they’ll add more dates in the future.
Managed to get my tickets in the presale on Friday - thank god because we tried to get more in the general sale for some of our mates to join and absolutely no dice. 10 of us - not one even got above 60,000 on a queue.

But cannot believe I’m seeing oasis on their opening night - buzzing!! Real dream come true stuff for me.
Going to see TV in London in a couple of weeks.

That processing fee on top of a booking fee is still a **** take though 😉
This is a very depressing read. Like many of you, I worshipped Oasis back in the day and would have been happy to pay £100 to see them again next summer. But £400 a ticket is not funny, it’s insulting to anyone that isn’t a millionaire.

I remember going to see Guns N Roses at Wembley about 5? years ago with @johnwhitfield and @J.C.Rox and we each paid £175 which was scandalous but we still all had a marvellous time (assisted by Jon’s pocket rockets) and very few gigs since, certainly no A listers. Is this the new norm now then, we have to pay £200-300 just to stand 50m away and throw our bottles of pis_s?

Ok I’m in.
If you want to throw, and get hit by, bottles of p!ss, just go to Doncaster. Much cheaper and it's not just the men, it's the women too.
Used to drive to Donny with my mates and sleep in a car park for that privilege, as the nightlife in Lincoln was **** before the Uni opened.

Remember one pub that was always rammed, the White Bear? Is that still open?
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