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Pinball Expo

Thanks @Mfresh! The signatures are EPIC! What a lovely idea. Have really enjoyed your roving reporter style. Kinda feels like I'm there, getting the inside deal. Only problem is I'm just a little green with envy :D

I really do like the community we've gathered here. Awesome place with awesome people. Keep it up!
Thanks everyone, and I'll do a colour scan when I get home no problem.

The names on there are just all the people who commented or liked on the thread - I didn't mean to miss anyone out from the forum so I'll add Mr Dreads and Calimori and 'splooter and RGV. Anyone else missing?

@Paul send me a PM with your address and I'll send you the original.
Awesome work on the reports - safe journey back.

It looks like an epic trip - perhaps something to put on my bucket list I think.....
Dennis Norman, Greg Freres, Mark and Steve Ritchie, George Gomez, Roger Sharpe, Barry Oursler John Trudeau and others send everyone at Pinball.Info who have been on this thread, and everyone else, their best wishes:

View attachment 21522

That about wraps it up over here. A flight home to Sunny High Wycombe awaits... Have a good rest of the weekend everyone

Above and beyond the call of duty ! :cool: @Mfresh

That brought a tear to my eye when I saw that, but it was just some pinball dust in it ... ;)

Mission accomplished :thumbs:You're coming home soldier.

Gary Stern turned up and did a Q and A session, and mostly trotted out answers we've heard before as they were the same old questions (he must get sick of the same old questions).
Out of curiosity, not having attended a Q&A before, what are the same old questions and what are the answers that got trotted out again?

Also, can someone identify this pin, please?


Just lovin' the cabinet art!
Out of curiosity, not having attended a Q&A before, what are the same old questions and what are the answers that got trotted out again?

He basically says I will answer any questions apart from what the next titles are going to be.

Then pretty much regardless of the questions, he trotts out a spiel about the three key market that Stern has identified - the collector (who wants an LE) the operator (who wants a Pro) and the casual game room owner who might want one pin, and probably likes a Premium.

Then he talks about how important operators are and how important it is to get pins out in the wild so a new generation of people can get into pinball. People collect old E-type Jags and so on because they remember them in their past, but no-one collects Model T Fords any more because all the people that have nostalgia for them are dead, as he puts it.

Lastly he says Stern will consider anything - releasing old titles, releasing titles, manufactring for others, and releasing games in digital format too (like on Farside Pinball Arcade)

That's pretty much it, every time... He comes in completely unprepared - IE he comes in and just says right what shall we talk about.
Gary Stern also always trots out about when he started out and the time he went to service a coin op thing that wouldn't accept coins, and found the reason was that it was jammed with too much money, so he decided this was the business for him. .........then he mentions that a pin has 3500 parts and takes more man hours to put together than a Ford Taurus ....... then he always gets asked what is his favourite game and he always answers the current one - so now it will be GOT

i'm not disrespecting him, i like the fella, but if you heard him speak once, you don't ever need to listen a second time as it'll be a photocopy
So Mr. Stern got into the business to make money and answers the questions like a businessman would. Got to respect that.
At least if he has his eye mainly on the business he'll be in business making pins for longer! Thats one way of looking at it.

Eveyone on here has enough enthusiasm to make up for any lack on Garys behalf :D
This is a great place to hang out, even if I cant get in to buy a pin before theyre snapped up!

I really enjoyed reading this report. I missed the Daventry expo this year (It was in South Wales instead I understand). Walking into that room last year gave me a rare feeling of being a kid again!
As @Sgt GrizZ says. There's more information on it here:


There is bits of a parted out one being listed on ebay at the moment... :mad: at someone parting it out.
Brian down in Southampton. Always sad to see a pin parted out, but if it helps, some of the parts of are going to a very good home to resurrect an otherwise basketcase project ;)
didn't know you was into hotrods thats my other hobby:)
I wish I was into hot rods. Love 'em, especially big old American gas guzzlers from the 50s like the Ford Mercury that have been dropped, chopped, filled and frenched, aka "lead sled" ;)


But alas, I can barely afford pinball let alone importing tonnes of overpowered American horsepower! I did used to have a very nice Triumph Herald 13/60 though:



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