For anyone interested in The Big Lebowski, some good and bad news.
The good news is that it will apparently be easy to remove the music it comes with and replace it with MP3s of the original songs. I don't know how exactly, but it will be straightforward.
The bad news, and this is entirely subjective so only bad news for me, perhaps, is that I thought the game is really unimpressive. It looks really dated, it plays really slowly, the music at the moment is dull and tedious, and the whole thing is a bit of a repetitive chore. I played with a couple of others last night and each of us duly got to the Let's go Bowling bit within 20 seconds or so, then waited for the bowling alley to be ready, won the bowling (its really easy) and carried on hitting the rug and various other shots and getting the same clips. The upper playfield is also very easy. The video clips really slow the game down and by the third time I had seen some of them (when the 3rd player activated them) I was falling asleep.
The game is not complete and still in prototype and could get much better I suppose, and I hope it goes well as the Dutch Pinball guys are really good guys and deserve to succeed, but I don't know.....
BY contrast I had a few goes on Kiss and even though I am not a Kiss fan and didnt expect to like it I was smitten. Great game, great shots, fantastic lighting effects, really fast - everything you want really.
Also had a go on Whoa! Nellie BJM and that was also excellent. Simple but great fun.
Weirdest product I saw on sale was a cardboard pinball machine
Gary Stern turned up and did a Q and A session, and mostly trotted out answers we've heard before as they were the same old questions (he must get sick of the same old questions).
A few things he did say:
Iron Man VE is sold out (we saw them being made but they are all accounted for)
A whole slate of Stern games will be coming to Farsight
A next generation product (whatever that means) will come out next year, aimed at pinball newbies
There may be vault editions of older Stern games.
Then they launched the new GoT LE at the launch party.
(Spoiler alert)
And I can reveal that at the end of the next season of Game of Thrones all the main characters die and the person who takes the Iron Throne is....