Congrats to Mike to having finished this group buy smoothly ! You are really lucky to have a guy like him in the forum.
It was a pleasure working with you together on this.
Having read some of your comments I have a few things to add.
- The 64bit version of my pin2dmd tool (OSX and WIN64) is able to backup the keyfile.
- The keyfile is no longer named pin2dmd.key but a combination of the unique number+".key"
- never ever use the 5V from WPC machines to power pin2dmd. It is to weak and may damage your pinball.
Also don´t use the 12V DIGITAL path. Only use the 12V POWER path as described on
- If you need support for your pin2dmd use the community here or on instead of sending me PM.
Although I developped this product I´m not the best to answer questions in combination with specific machine types
and especially not about colorizations. I don´t even keep track of the colorizations out there except the ones for the machines
I personally own.
In the name of the children of the charity projects we support with your license donations, thanks
for supporting the pin2dmd project.