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Welcome, if you’re in Lancashire then you won’t be far from Level in Preston (which has several machines) or, when you’re ready, the Pinball Heaven showroom 😂
Thanks Taxiturn.

I'm at the eastern end of Lancashire (just before you hit Yorkshire!), so about 45 mins from Level. I'm already spoken within someone at Pinball Heaven :) - he recommended Level as a good place to take a look at a few Stern machines.

I'm still undecided what to go for, Star Wars, James Bond, Jaws etc - and new or used. As a fan of the original trilogy and having already played it, Star Wars does appeal - but then Pro or Premium? Too many decisions to make!

A visit to Level might help focus my thoughts!
Thanks Taxiturn.

I'm at the eastern end of Lancashire (just before you hit Yorkshire!), so about 45 mins from Level. I'm already spoken within someone at Pinball Heaven :) - he recommended Level as a good place to take a look at a few Stern machines.

I'm still undecided what to go for, Star Wars, James Bond, Jaws etc - and new or used. As a fan of the original trilogy and having already played it, Star Wars does appeal - but then Pro or Premium? Too many decisions to make!

A visit to Level might help focus my thoughts!
You’ll get many different answers on this, but if you want a Star Wars then the Pro is a bit more forgiving to play, the Death Star shot is much harder on the Premium. It is a fast and furious game and tests quite a lot of skills through moving the multipliers etc. which you may or may not have got into on your holiday.

Bond and Jaws are both excellent machines and the Pros of both are good though prevailing opinion is that Jaws Premium is better than the Pro - depends if you want to spend the extra £££ and how much you like upper playfields.

Best way is to just play all the machines you can find and see what you personally like!
You’ll get many different answers on this, but if you want a Star Wars then the Pro is a bit more forgiving to play, the Death Star shot is much harder on the Premium. It is a fast and furious game and tests quite a lot of skills through moving the multipliers etc. which you may or may not have got into on your holiday.

Bond and Jaws are both excellent machines and the Pros of both are good though prevailing opinion is that Jaws Premium is better than the Pro - depends if you want to spend the extra £££ and how much you like upper playfields.

Best way is to just play all the machines you can find and see what you personally like!
Thanks for the advice!
I did get quite into it while on holiday and managed to set a good few of the top scores on it, but that probably says more about the previous players (lack of) ability than it does mine!
The more I think about it, the more I'm set on Star Wars for my first machine.
I need to decide between new or try and track down a used one though.
Thanks for the advice!
I did get quite into it while on holiday and managed to set a good few of the top scores on it, but that probably says more about the previous players (lack of) ability than it does mine!
The more I think about it, the more I'm set on Star Wars for my first machine.
I need to decide between new or try and track down a used one though.
If you can find a used one you will save a wedge, depends on how much you value shiny newness, warranty etc.

If you become a “site supporter” (£10) you can post a wanted thread on here, a Star Wars Pro sold recently on here which was listed for £5,900, for reference.
Hi Everyone,

I'm Xavi from Barcelona.

I'm a pinball addict for almost 30 years now.

I started the hobby buying Williams WPC pinballs in 1998 and i had on that time more than 30 pinballs machines.

15 years ago i sold most of pinball and started to collect Japanese Arcade Cabinets, mostly Sega dedicated games.

In 2017 i started again to collect Pinballs machines and sold most of my Arcade cabs.

Now i have 12 Stern Spike 2 pinballs that i bough NIB, since 2017 and 1 Jersey Jack Pinball (Elton John PE) and now i'm waiting for an Avatar CE to arrive around end of February.

I had been reading this forum from time to time, same as pinside.
Hi Everyone,

I'm Xavi from Barcelona.

I'm a pinball addict for almost 30 years now.

I started the hobby buying Williams WPC pinballs in 1998 and i had on that time more than 30 pinballs machines.

15 years ago i sold most of pinball and started to collect Japanese Arcade Cabinets, mostly Sega dedicated games.

In 2017 i started again to collect Pinballs machines and sold most of my Arcade cabs.

Now i have 12 Stern Spike 2 pinballs that i bough NIB, since 2017 and 1 Jersey Jack Pinball (Elton John PE) and now i'm waiting for an Avatar CE to arrive around end of February.

I had been reading this forum from time to time, same as pinside.
Welcome to the madhouse Xavi!!
Hi folks

Marcus, 49, from Sutton Coldfield just outside of Birmingham. Work in Birmingham and have been going to Tilt a fair bit recently.

I have always loved arcade games and video games in general but never really played pinball - after seeing the sign for Tilt about 500 times on my lunch walk went in one evening with the wife on a date night several months ago.

Have now been to the Tuesday league night a couple of times, popped in for the Midlands leage last Sunday, and try and get in on my lunch break for a coffee and a few games a few times a week. Also, always drag the wife there if we are out for a night in Birmingham (although on my last visit, after getting my best game on Monster Bash, I turned around, believing her to be behind me, cheering on my valiant effort - she had got bored and gone to the hotel! 🤣

Just in the market for my first table at home now but it is a bewildering purchase - just seen the Monster Bash from Tilt just sold recently - would have 100% taken that one... damn! It is one of my faves. :)

Great to meet you all.

Hi Marcus, MB is a great choice for a first pin. There will no doubt be another doing the rounds at some point. Good to see that you have dipped you toe in regarding some league play, a good starting point I'd say. If you have transport, time and money to get to some tournaments further a field I can't recommend it enough. It's a bit of fun with a social aspect and there are players of all skill levels. If you can get to PBR on the 22nd for the Fantastico tournament I would get yourself there. They have an excellent lineup of machines from classic through to modern and it will be a bit more experience and getting the chance to play a bunch of machines you wouldn't have before.
Cool. Sounds interesting. Sorry, noob question... right place I guess! PBR? Is that the one in Worcester? That is on my to visit list.

I am toying with the Fun House Remake - any thoughts on that? Losing my mind trying to decide! I tend to enjoy the Williams ones more I think...
Hi Marcus, MB is a great choice for a first pin. There will no doubt be another doing the rounds at some point. Good to see that you have dipped you toe in regarding some league play, a good starting point I'd say. If you have transport, time and money to get to some tournaments further a field I can't recommend it enough. It's a bit of fun with a social aspect and there are players of all skill levels. If you can get to PBR on the 22nd for the Fantastico tournament I would get yourself there. They have an excellent lineup of machines from classic through to modern and it will be a bit more experience and getting the chance to play a bunch of machines you wouldn't have before.
Sorry, another question (damn noobs).

How can I find out various tournaments that are going on? My kids are getting on a bit now so... bit easier to do stuff at the weekends.

Be good to make some pinball friends!
So firstly PBR is Pinball Republic which is in Croydon. They have a Funhouse 2.0 there aswell so a good opportunity to play that and several other machines to see what floats your boat. If you search the word DIARY and scroll down until you see @Lecari click on that then go to the FIRST page on that thread you will see all the tournament dates. Keep an eye on it as tournaments get added. The next big one at TILT is 13th April. All the others from memory currently are at PBR or private venues (in someone's house) Bedworth and Suffolk.
Ahh, yeah, I know Pinball Republic, follow them on Facebook. Will have to get down there as well. Will check out the UK Events Diary as well - thanks for the advice!
Hi Marcus,

I'm at Tilt every Tuesday for league so maybe crossed paths before. Welcome to the forum and be nice to bump into you when your next at Tilt

Great to meet you.

I have been popping in randomly for a good while now but I did my first Tuesday one three weeks ago, missed one (sisters birthday) and was there again this week. I was there on Sunday as well for Midlands league thing as well (not playing in - but just enjoying £5 all you can eat pinball with my son).

Will deffo be there on Tuesday!
Cool. Sounds interesting. Sorry, noob question... right place I guess! PBR? Is that the one in Worcester? That is on my to visit list.

I am toying with the Fun House Remake - any thoughts on that? Losing my mind trying to decide! I tend to enjoy the Williams ones more I think...
Hi Marcus, welcome, some great advice from everyone.

If you are keen on Funhouse then maybe Roadshow might be one that could work for you. I have one for sale, if you are interested then send me a message 👍

Great to meet you.

I have been popping in randomly for a good while now but I did my first Tuesday one three weeks ago, missed one (sisters birthday) and was there again this week. I was there on Sunday as well for Midlands league thing as well (not playing in - but just enjoying £5 all you can eat pinball with my son).

Will deffo be there on Tuesday!
Also there is a league that runs at Retroids (Worcester) but that is a monthly league. 1st league meet is next Wednesday.
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