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League boundaries??

I'm taking no credit for this. The legend that is Nick H saw the thread and generated this map of unique hosts over the last 11 years or so. Hopefully the colour coding makes sense. Light blue is the new South Wales region which has some historical crossover with Peter's massive South West region.

Going forward I think we'll try to make a more dynamic page to show this information (and possibly more besides), so consider this an early preview of the map data for now :)
Pinging @Mooseman back in too.

This is awesome.

I know the data isn't there but it would be interesting to see where all the players come from.
Although all the EA meets seem clumped around Suffolk and Essex with some Bedfordshire a few of the players do come down from Norfolk.
We really need a venue up that way, fingers crossed it'll happen in the next few years 🤞🏻
Wow, that map is awesome. Question, is this from all time? could there be one for, say, the last 4 seasons? (the reason I ask is, I think the Doncaster one was when my Dad and I hosted (midlands) but that must have been around 2011/12).
Wow, that map is awesome. Question, is this from all time? could there be one for, say, the last 4 seasons? (the reason I ask is, I think the Doncaster one was when my Dad and I hosted (midlands) but that must have been around 2011/12).

26th Feb 2012? (Then you hosted again the following year) 👍

Nick has been scouring his archives to get a lot of the historical data into the database which has enabled this. We've got data going back to Season 6 (2012) but if anyone else wants to contribute to filling in some gaps then please get in touch. Date, host and location of meets is what we're after.

I've been making progress on a more fully featured map interface. Might have something to see in the next week or two
We've got data going back to Season 6 (2012) but if anyone else wants to contribute to filling in some gaps then please get in touch. Date, host and location of meets is what we're after.

If you can provide me with all the scores on machines each of the SouthWest League meets, then I can get together locations and hosts.

The website used to show all this data but doesn't seem to be there anymore and I seem to recall that it showed the dates of the meats as well.


If you can provide me with all the scores on machines each of the SouthWest League meets, then I can get together locations and hosts.

The website used to show all this data but doesn't seem to be there anymore and I seem to recall that it showed the dates of the meats as well.

All the scores for each individual meet are still on the website.

From the drop down labelled results
Pick your region
Then the season
This will give an overview of the scores from each meet.
Click on the Meet number at the top and all the scores are there.
All the scores for each individual meet are still on the website.

From the drop down labelled results
Pick your region
Then the season
This will give an overview of the scores from each meet.
Click on the Meet number at the top and all the scores are there.
Thanks Wayne, I didn't see there was a drop down menu!!
Been trawling through as much archived data as I could find (https://web.archive.org/web/20070527150232/http://www.pinballleague.co.uk/ is the oldest archive still 'available') to add to the data that Nick and Greg provided. Still lots of gaps, but getting there. Another appeal to anyone with old emails with dates, locations, anything from the first few seasons - please drop me a message :)

There's now a multirange slider on the page here: https://www.pinballleague.uk/map.html
.. so you can select a range of seasons to see the data we have available. You can narrow the range to one season then slide it left and right to see how locations change or grow in size.
I was Midlands league coordinator for 6 years, here's what I can dig up:

Midlands League Fixture List 2007

11th February 2007 Phil Dixon, Leicester (Confirmed - Taken Place)
11th March 2007 Aid Cooper, Birmingham (Confirmed - Taken Place)
15th April 2007 Terry Sullivan, Shepshed (Confirmed - Taken Place)
5th May 2007 Phil Dixon, Leicester (Provisional)
20th May 2007 Dave Langley, Lincoln (Confirmed)
3rd June 2007 Paul "Spike" Reddington, Nottingham (Confirmed)

Midlands League Fixture List 2008
Terry Sullivan, Shepshed
Dave Langley, Lincoln
Nick Marshall, Uttoxeter
Aid Cooper, Birmingham
Paul Reddington, Newark
Ross Hamilton, Well (Skegness)

I know we also did Wolverhampton, Doncaster and another oop north, but mainly these locations.
I was Midlands league coordinator for 6 years, here's what I can dig up:

Midlands League Fixture List 2007

11th February 2007 Phil Dixon, Leicester (Confirmed - Taken Place)
11th March 2007 Aid Cooper, Birmingham (Confirmed - Taken Place)
15th April 2007 Terry Sullivan, Shepshed (Confirmed - Taken Place)
5th May 2007 Phil Dixon, Leicester (Provisional)
20th May 2007 Dave Langley, Lincoln (Confirmed)
3rd June 2007 Paul "Spike" Reddington, Nottingham (Confirmed)

Midlands League Fixture List 2008
Terry Sullivan, Shepshed
Dave Langley, Lincoln
Nick Marshall, Uttoxeter
Aid Cooper, Birmingham
Paul Reddington, Newark
Ross Hamilton, Well (Skegness)

I know we also did Wolverhampton, Doncaster and another oop north, but mainly these locations.

Superb, many thanks Phil. I did scrape some bits from the old site regarding 2008, so I think your data fits my gaps like this:

13/01/2008 Terry Sullivan
17/02/2008 Dave Langley
30/03/2008 Nick Marshall
20/04/2008 Aid Cooper
08/06/2008 Paul Reddington
29/06/2008 Ross Hamilton

There's nothing at all I can find for season 3 Midlands (2009)

Season 4 is good I think, but Season 5 we have very little..
24/10/2010 Dave & Sal Langley Lincoln
23/01/2011 Alex Davis Where?

And finally, in season 8 of Midlands we're missing three dates:
17/11/2013 John Bateson
19/01/2014 Dave & Sal Langley
16/02/2014 Andy Netherwood
??/??/???? Wayne Johns
??/??/???? Carl Lawrence
??/??/???? Terry Sullivan

If you (or anyone) knows, just lmk please :)
Alex Hooper was Stoke, or very close, as Jukie went to the Port Merion shop while I played!

I'll see if I can trace the other dates you're missing from season 8 - mine was the first Sunday in April - Tamworth
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