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Kieron Beecher taken my money - Anyone know him

Steve - I really do feel for you on this. It is awful.

I am going to share my experiences with you.

The problem is small claims court - will take months and even if you do win - he can agree to pay a small amount 'he can afford' monthly - the court tends to accept any amount, even if it takes 10 years to clear the debt.

The police can not be ****d getting involved these days. They wont turn up to shoplifting cases now in Brum (and other places) if lower than £1k. They hand out crime numbers like bus tickets.

It is horrible to be taken for money. It has happened to me, but after going thru this (and ending up loosing in more than one occasion) - I would say if it is for a smallish sum of money then let it go - it will take over your thoughts, time and life suing someone for a few hundred quid. Caused me sleepless nights, and stress galore.

I no longer use the court system these days.

Plus if anyone googles his name (including employers) in the future this thread shows up first.
Steve - I really do feel for you on this. It is awful.

I am going to share my experiences with you.

The problem is small claims court - will take months and even if you do win - he can agree to pay a small amount 'he can afford' monthly - the court tends to accept any amount, even if it takes 10 years to clear the debt.

The police can not be ****d getting involved these days. They wont turn up to shoplifting cases now in Brum (and other places) if lower than £1k. They hand out crime numbers like bus tickets.

It is horrible to be taken for money. It has happened to me, but after going thru this (and ending up loosing in more than one occasion) - I would say if it is for a smallish sum of money then let it go - it will take over your thoughts, time and life suing someone for a few hundred quid. Caused me sleepless nights, and stress galore.

I no longer use the court system these days.

Plus if anyone googles his name (including employers) in the future this thread shows up first.
You're right. However, going all Death Wish 6 is the more tempting option here and I sure as hell wouldn't let anyone get away with that ****.

Probably the same Kieron Beecher. Listed on here as living at Station Road, Ranskill which is quite close to Retford. Fined for speeding 2017.

And this lists the Directors of Platts Specialist Services.

I agree with @Pickholder regarding small claims. It's far more likely you will get resolution by writing to his bosses than through small claims. One of my staff did exactly this a few years ago in a similar situation and had the cash back within hours.
Agreed but it's an unusual name in a specific area and if it is mistaken identity or if the situation is resolved then I will be editing all my posts to effectively remove them.

When my staff member wrote her letter she started with stating all the facts she knew about the person so that the identity could be confirmed first. It was after months of threatening Small Claims Court and threatening writing to the employer.
Whilst I'm all for the OP getting justice, a public witch hunt without certainty of the facts can be a dangerous thing.

To be clear I'm not doubting the OPs version events, but mistaken identity can cause long standing damage to a person. Once it's on the internet it's there forever.
Can't see it myself the OP has his address.
Whilst I'm all for the OP getting justice, a public witch hunt without certainty of the facts can be a dangerous thing.

To be clear I'm not doubting the OPs version events, but mistaken identity can cause long standing damage to a person. Once it's on the internet it's there forever.
Not necessarily. You can request to be removed from search results.
This sort of behaviour really puzzles me, why would someone muddy their name for a relatively small amount?

Agree on speaking with his employer, presumably they have his address on file, so can confirm its the right bloke.

If all else fails you have enough info to create a shadow FB profile for him, join groups local to him and spout wildly unpopular opinions, agree to buy large items, plant equipment, weight benches etc, cash on delivery from ardman types with face tattoos.
This thread is ace, i'm collecting ideas for an ongoing dispute i have with a new neighbour.

Does anyone have sources for buying some rubber-eating weevils that could be introduced to someone's car, perhaps?
Pis_s-discs under he door need to be made from public urinal pis_s to avoid DNA issues.
Creative ideas to write messages in grass-killer on lawns?
Interesting websites to divert their way or mailing lists to sign them up to?

I love Kev's idea about annoying some local no-marks face tattoo types by promising to buy their car or whatever....keep em coming guys :clap:
Interesting websites to divert their way or mailing lists to sign them up to?

This thread is ace, i'm collecting ideas for an ongoing dispute i have with a new neighbour.

Does anyone have sources for buying some rubber-eating weevils that could be introduced to someone's car, perhaps?
Pis_s-discs under he door need to be made from public urinal pis_s to avoid DNA issues.
Creative ideas to write messages in grass-killer on lawns?
Interesting websites to divert their way or mailing lists to sign them up to?

I love Kev's idea about annoying some local no-marks face tattoo types by promising to buy their car or whatever....keep em coming guys :clap:

Frozen Pi ss disks is genius :D

No idea where to source weevils, but fly larvae in the scuttle panel could work well

Sign up to cameo and get various has been celebs to call him a nob end.
Move his satellite dish a tiny bit ever couple of weeks.
Book home meetings with various double glazing/conservatory/kitchen companies.
Access to his recycling? try to get his account number for utilities and such, tell them the property will be unoccupied for a while and to turn off the water/lecky?
Any accessible airbricks where you could introduce some fun new rodent pets for him to enjoy?
If he ever leaves his car unlocked sneak in some knickers and an empty packet of condoms for his wife to discover.
Buy the same type of car, clone the plates then go barrelling past some speed cameras, abandon it on some sink estate with the keys in for some kids to do the same?
Invasive plants, Japanese knotweed would render his house virtually unsellable, probs best waiting until you are just about to move for that one.

OK those last couple are full on crimes 😂
Last edited:
Frozen Pi ss disks is genius :D

No idea where to source weevils, but fly larvae in the scuttle panel could work well

Sign up to cameo and get various has been celebs to call him a nob end.
Move his satellite dish a tiny bit ever couple of weeks.
Book home meetings with various double glazing/conservatory/kitchen companies.
Access to his recycling? try to get his account number for utilities and such, tell them the property will be unoccupied for a while and to turn off the water/lecky?
Any accessible airbricks where you could introduce some fun new rodent pets for him to enjoy?
If he ever leaves his car unlocked sneak in some knickers and an empty packet of condoms for his wife to discover.
Buy the same type of car, clone the plates then go barrelling past some speed cameras, abandon it on some sink estate with the keys in for some kids to do the same?
Invasive plants, Japanese knotweed would render his house virtually unsellable, probs best waiting until you are just about to move for that one.

OK those last couple are full on crimes 😂

Kev you’re some sort of evil genius 🤣🤣
Can't see it myself the OP has his address.

If I had the address of someone who's stolen from me, I would have had my money back weeks ago.

Just cause enough of a public disturbance (shouting only) and if someone calls the police (the person who comes with you) it'll soon get resolved.
If I had the address of someone who's stolen from me, I would have had my money back weeks ago.

Just cause enough of a public disturbance (shouting only) and if someone calls the police (the person who comes with you) it'll soon get resolved.

If I had the address of someone who's stolen from me, I would have had my money back weeks ago.

Just cause enough of a public disturbance (shouting only) and if someone calls the police (the person who comes with you) it'll soon get resolved.
Problem is, what if his brothers/mates are there when you show up, or he just closes the door and waits it out?

Even if he is in the wrong and knows it, people can get very defensive on home turf, would be more inclined to confirm his work address and if its an office or something just wait in reception, get them to give him a call, calmly explain your happy to wait there until he gets the money transferred, much more likely to leave with the money and no hassle.
Everyone is different my methods if I was the OP would be vastly different to others

I know plenty of people who would collect the debt as a favour
Frozen Pi ss disks is genius :D

No idea where to source weevils, but fly larvae in the scuttle panel could work well

Sign up to cameo and get various has been celebs to call him a nob end.
Move his satellite dish a tiny bit ever couple of weeks.
Book home meetings with various double glazing/conservatory/kitchen companies.
Access to his recycling? try to get his account number for utilities and such, tell them the property will be unoccupied for a while and to turn off the water/lecky?
Any accessible airbricks where you could introduce some fun new rodent pets for him to enjoy?
If he ever leaves his car unlocked sneak in some knickers and an empty packet of condoms for his wife to discover.
Buy the same type of car, clone the plates then go barrelling past some speed cameras, abandon it on some sink estate with the keys in for some kids to do the same?
Invasive plants, Japanese knotweed would render his house virtually unsellable, probs best waiting until you are just about to move for that one.

OK those last couple are full on crimes 😂
i am very much liking the way you think. more please.
the penultimate one was the best by far but would cost too much to set up. but more along those lines is good.
i share a recycling bin with my nemesis so could probably get some useful details from there, but what about more abstract stuff like scaring him or making him doubt his sanity?
i am very much liking the way you think. more please.
the penultimate one was the best by far but would cost too much to set up. but more along those lines is good.
i share a recycling bin with my nemesis so could probably get some useful details from there, but what about more abstract stuff like scaring him or making him doubt his sanity?

How about writing to notorious criminals/terrorists in jail and including his address to reply to? recieving a hand written letter from one of them is sure freak him out....and as the post is monitored, would probably get him on all sort of government watch lists too
Update on the situation. I thought I would start by contacting the fraud hotline of the bank I used to transfer the money to him to see what advice they could offer. I spent quite a while on the phone, explaining in detail exactly what happened. A few hours later I got the following text:

'Hello, Nationwide here. We wanted to let you know that we have completed our investigation on your fraud claim and are pleased to let you know that a full refund is on the way to you. It will be in your account in the next 2 business days. You will receive a letter or email with all the information and education around scams shortly. Please do not reply to this message. Thanks, Fraud Operations.'

Not long after the money was back in my account :). I expect Nationwide will now pursue Beecher for the money.

My lessons learned from all of this, is don't ever deal with Kieron Beecher & do bank with Nationwide!

All is good now, expect I still don't have a WCS94. Please let me know if you know (an honest person) that has one they want to pass on.

Thanks everyone for your support and advice.

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