What a fantastic game this is.
Today has been my first full day playing it and
@Andydn popped over for a few hours to help figure things out and have a good play.
I know Stern have had a bit of stick recently (and rightly so judging from the TMNJ playfields) but I've been a bit blown away with the build quality of this machine.
The game itself is very good and clearly has tons to do. It's quite hard but the more you play the better you get at the shots. I still have lots of learning to do but the rules are so deep that it will keep me going for some time. It's very addictive.
If Turtles is a better game than this then people are in for a real treat.
Thanks again to Neil. Without the invite to Domino to test some machines this wouldn't even have been an option that I would have considered.
In other news I was showing Andy how to play LOTR and I destroyed the ring in my best ever time with a witness present!!!!!