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Haggis….. that’s all folks……

would have been intresting to see what other classic bally games they acquired the license for to remake,but I guess we will never know now
Watching the Cary Hardy video on this now.

Making pinball machines is easy, said no one (except Deeproot)
Rode the Covid pinball boom wave only to get killed by the Covid restrictions which followed.
Watching the Cary Hardy video on this now.

Making pinball machines is easy, said no one (except Deeproot)
Didn't he really back them to the moon. When everyone was complaining about delays and them taking peoples money for new cabs when they still hadn't shipped old ones he seemed to go out of his way to back them up. I like Cary, but it felt like he was in Haggis's pocket a little bit.
Didn't he really back them to the moon. When everyone was complaining about delays and them taking peoples money for new cabs when they still hadn't shipped old ones he seemed to go out of his way to back them up. I like Cary, but it felt like he was in Haggis's pocket a little bit.
Send him an email with your concerns :D
Didn't he really back them to the moon. When everyone was complaining about delays and them taking peoples money for new cabs when they still hadn't shipped old ones he seemed to go out of his way to back them up. I like Cary, but it felt like he was in Haggis's pocket a little bit.
Not such a thing as honest youtube videos. Why do people keep watching them and buying guided by them.

Everyone on bigger channels is getting a kick back. Free stuff, money, discounts... or they have a foot in the business.

I would never let people like CH guide me in a purchase.
I know that pinball is not the most rational of pastimes and that some low volume games can become quite valuable if you get lucky ...

But I am amazed that such a smart cohort of society is willing to take a punt on untested, pay up front, pay deposits, crap initial software scenarios

Folk with more knowledge than me will be able to list low volume manufacturers, the delays, the insolvencies, the spare parts availability, the lost deposits and worse

If you have money to burn, bravo. But for the rest of us, I'd stay stick to what you know.
That was the point of this video - pushing back on that.
Seen the video now. As I said before I like his work on the whole, but I do think these influencers are more than happy to take all the free pins etc and dumb down the flaws in these companies. They were taking people's money for Cantaur when they still had a ton of Fathoms to ship out. Really, really shoddy practice.
I wouldnt be moaning at CGC too much - at least CC did get delivered - was late but it did arrive and the game is just as well made as the others.

Haggis has taken peoples cash that will never get it back - and the assets of the company by the sound of it are somewhere else.

Too big - too quick.

He started off wanting to make a pinball machine at home - next thing you know he is in a massive factory.
Looking at how well the Centaur is made , i feel i missed out on simply owning a pinball machine worth the money it was priced at
Most people would not swap over a PF.

Anyone noticed how the perspex playfield on Hyperball is bonded. Hot heard of this issue with those machines

Rapid Fire + Elektra + more

What seems to often happen with these "modern" pinball manufacturers is that they are buying the playfield wood as and when they need it, so it goes from a builders yard, to their store room, to a cnc machine in a few days.

People that make high-end furniture or instruments will have a "seasoning room" where the wood will be stored flat on shelves in a heated environment for weeks / months so that the wood doesn't start warping after it has been cut and painted.

I'm no wood scientist, but that seems to be the correct procedure for something you want to remain flat
so you swapped out your original fathom or centaur for the haggis version?

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From someone who knows quite a bit about wood (oh err missis).

Ply should be the strongest wood out as it is laminated. The fibres should be crossing from layer to layer.

But as mentioned - wood does not get seasoned before it gets used now. Bang on correct. Wood is a living thing - no 2 pieces are the same.

Wood is also grown very fast now using trees that shoot up in a few years rather than decades. It makes wood sustainable.

I have mahoganny and maple I purchased over 30 years ago in my wood store to make guitars out of. This will be better than the wood I would get today.

Super hoop doesnt have playfield issues.........
Good old Cary.
Click bait.
Pay for it on Patreon first.....

Sometimes I think the kid tries too hard.

His last video only got 5.2K views.....

Also - people who are probably a bit skint at the moment (Damien) can not afford to sue someone in a different country.
I always thought when Cary did the unveiling of Centaur at one of the American shows. The impression some folk may have got was he was supporting or help promoting Haggis as a manufacturer. Had a feeling it might come back to bite him.

I for one had hoped Haggis would silence the doubters.
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