You probably had the wrong pins (in the nicest possible way)
I want to play Godzilla again-and-again, and I love Fish Tales (so much, that I played the one at Pinball Republic while I was there).
I’m less keen on LoTR, but when I suggested selling it to buy Godzilla, my husband and my elderly mother threw a huge strop.
My older son is obsessed with Godzilla. He talks about destroying cities all the time. He reenacts the ball save animations in the park with his dad playing Godzilla, and him as Minzilla. Ever since Godzilla arrived, he plays almost nothing else.
His little brother keeps bringing a small stool to Fish Tales and throwing a tantrum when we tell him that it’s still not working. So, he’s probably with me on how much we like Fish Tales. Otherwise, he only ever turns up for multiballs. He seems keener on Lord of the Rings than Godzilla, but I think that’s because his big brother fights him over who gets to play.