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DMD extender working on No Fear with 4.3" composite monitor


Jealous :) Looking great there - just think how good it'll be when in Colour :D

I wonder if a replacement apron could be made to take a "standard" 15" widescreen replacement across the middle to allow almost like a full dmd Size in the apron of the machine..... Saying that i like the look of the smaller screen in the side...

have you any pics in the light to see how proud it stands and also how well it fits the "hole" for the cards?

I do have a crappy pic i took last night with the glass on:

2013-03-27 11.43.26.jpg

I recently bought a JM apron off ebay to butcher and see what i can come up with, but my goal would be to have a nice, seamless fit in the score card spot (perhaps with dual screens too) Henrik at pinballdreams.com can make aprons for both Stern and williams/bally so theres an option to have a nice new/custom apron.

The buttons on the back of the monitor stick out the back so you have to mount it slightly at an angle (same direction as PF is facing) with a couple of mini hex bolts used as standoffs. Theres also a bulge in the back where the plastic ball joint mount goes but i just pulled it out and made the opening as flat as i could with a dremel. Its actually held in via stickypads which works, but could do with a nicer mounting solution. I had some pcb feet that i could use with the standard case, but it looked awful and i couldnt get the glass in. I'm going to play around a bit more with it as i want it a bit more 'flush' with the apron.
How do you get the graphics files so that you can change the colouring ?

I assume you need the DMD extender to intercept the feeds ?

I will probably order an extender when the next batch are available but was thinking I could do some colouring up in the mean time but probably not possible ?

Mini screen looks well but my preference would be for the right hand side, although I can see the left hand side being alot less problamatic (Ball trough and shooter being very close on right etc)
How do you get the graphics files so that you can change the colouring ?

I assume you need the DMD extender to intercept the feeds ?

I will probably order an extender when the next batch are available but was thinking I could do some colouring up in the mean time but probably not possible ?

Mini screen looks well but my preference would be for the right hand side, although I can see the left hand side being alot less problamatic (Ball trough and shooter being very close on right etc)

Yes, you need the dmd extender and a raspberry pi (both connect to each other). Then, you edit a config file that is loaded onto an SD card then place it in the raspberry pi, and off you go!. David (Dr.pinball) would be the guy to talk to in detail there. No reason the screen cant go on the right side plenty of room (on NF at least) for that too. I'm really looking forward to getting my hands on the colouring software too, but i'm not sure when its to be released?
Excuse my ignorance here but whats a raspberry pi? In my world it sounds like something I might enjoy with a drop of custard;-)
Raspberry Pi is a credit card-sized board with a Broadcom BCM2835 Chip running Linux. Basically a low power pc..

Is the coloring not done with WPCedit software ?
Raspberry Pi is a credit card-sized board with a Broadcom BCM2835 Chip running Linux. Basically a low power pc..

Is the coloring not done with WPCedit software ?


Thought I'd better clear up a couple of points about the Extender...

The pictures and videos on this thread are all using the basic software that can do the following things...
Display the DMD image on a monitor or TV with HDMI / DVI / Composite connections
Add custom graphics to the screen as well (see the No Fear logos on Russ's pictures)
Allow you to choose the colour of the dots, but the colour choice is not intelligent it just applies equally to all screens
The colour choice does offer you control over the colours for each dot intensity (there a four intensities)

I recently demonstrated full frame colourising that uses the same hardware as the Extender, but with an updated software pack. However, there are delays in releasing this software - in fact I would say do not hold your breath for it to be released.

I am more than happy to respond to requests for changes to the Extender software based on what you see in this thread. For full details on the system that I'm selling take a look at the installation and usage instructions on my site: www.drpinball.co.uk

I hope this clears up the situation. Sorry for any confusion.

David, I see no reason for you to be sorry. You have provided far more information (and help) than I would have expected.
I think people are seeing this thread and wondering what they have to do to add something to their machine.

Raspberry Pi is a UK based project to get people back into computing. Whilst the hardware isn't very powerful, it is very adaptable and extremely cheap. It doesn't come with a hard drive, you load a cut down version of linux onto an SD card but David solution has gone one step further and has it's own OS.

You can buy a Raspberry Pi from Amazon, eBay, Maplins, probably Argos etc. I still have a plan to use one and build a networks central heating system where I can send an email to my heating system to fire up or down. Or build a media server as it offers HDMI output. There are so many uses but the best so far is a way of placing the DMD information onto another display.
Agreed. The work David has done thus far is amazing to say the least. I hope the colouring software gets released at some point, but its not the end of the world if its not.
Rus, I'd be interested to see some close up pics of how you've mounted the monitor and also where you've got the 12v regulator in the cab? Did you use GIMP to knock up your custom image?

I can't wait for David to get the Extender back in so I can have a go at this for BSD......proper awesome :D
Some pics that were lost:

2013-03-27 20.14.33.jpg

2013-03-27 20.15.14.jpg


  • williamsgreen.jpg
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  • williamspurple.jpg
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I already sent you it via email last night Chris. If you still need it, let me know.

2013-03-28 23.59.52.jpg

2013-03-29 00.00.00.jpg

2013-03-29 00.02.28.jpg
Teal isn't a word I see used often. Even in association with Abney and Neep and Bop and the Boc-bocs

Too much children's telly i know.....
Dr Pinball (come on give us at least a first name!!) :)

Any news on the Extenders yet? I have now managed to put together all the bits and pieces, nice cased Pi which can be "wall" mounted meaning i can hang it in the backbox nicely.... Picked up a Wifi Dongle as well for ease of connection...

Is there a standard image that is used for this, or is the whole thing a custom install? That way i can prepare stuff this end :)

With regards to the Lcd, i am looking at the two part solution (lcd/driver board). it means that the LCD itself is much thinner, and also means that the driver board can be mounted under the apron. This also allows for more of a choice of screen sizes (This could be close to the size of the apron "card" recess - http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/271112974502 - and is only 5.2mm deep)

Cant wait :D Roll on the extender and the colouring software to have a play :D

I dont think you will be able to use your pi case as the pi itself fits into the dmd extender board and is then mounted via stickypads in the backbox.

That screen you posted sure does look good, but i cant see how its going to be possible to mount the driver board for it underneath the apron without having to cut it in some way to route the ribbon cable/s. The size does look a a lot better mind you.

David, (aka Drpinball) has said he is currently making an apron lcd option so it may be best to talk to him before ordering something else as i know he has looked at the current options in detail.
I dont think you will be able to use your pi case as the pi itself fits into the dmd extender board and is then mounted via stickypads in the backbox.

That screen you posted sure does look good, but i cant see how its going to be possible to mount the driver board for it underneath the apron without having to cut it in some way to route the ribbon cable/s. The size does look a a lot better mind you.

David, (aka Drpinball) has said he is currently making an apron lcd option so it may be best to talk to him before ordering something else as i know he has looked at the current options in detail.

Ahh ok - well if it fits alongside the Extender thats not a problem at all - was just thinking of a way to make it all go together :D

The older Aprons (TAF for example) had a big hole under the apron...


Didnt realise David was looking at various options - will wait to see what he advises as you recommend :)


Nice screen you've seen on ebay but I think you'll really struggle to get that under the apron. The best solution I've found so far is what Russ has done - a car reversing screen with composite input and 12V power requirement. I'm developing a small regulator board to get 12V for the screen and am trying to design a metal frame for the screen so that it fits in with the apron detail...

This image shows my hand made prototype but I'm getting quotes for laser cutting and powder coating.

I suspect that the apron screen will only work with the cut out in the apron - I assumed all Bally / Williams DMD games were like this. My TZ, HS2 and TAF all have a recessed scorecard area and cut out to allow cables to run through under the table. If you believe this to be different on other machines please let me know!

I call myself DR Pinball as DR are my intials - I'm not really a doctor.

In answer to the other questions...
You can't use a case as the Extender mounts in the backbox with the Pi piggy backing.
The software required is supplied on an SD Card as part of the package.
There's no need for a Wifi dongle as it won't fit into the Pi when it's installed in the backbox, and the software used isn't Linux, it's an OS written specifically for the Extender.
I'm expecting boards to arrive this week - I'll be in touch with everyone as soon I get anything. They're being made in China which cuts cost but increases the time!
Have a look at my site - there's an installation and usage guide on there so you'll get the idea of how it fits into a machine.

I got a new screen today so decided to try it out on my TZ - the last screen I had went to Berlin to be used at the Pinball Championships but Parcel Force took a week to deliver it instead of 1 day so it never got there :tsk:

Anyway, have a look at the results... I really need to get a new camera.
Design for metal screen surround went to the fabricators today - hopefully get first prototype early next week.
I got a new screen today so decided to try it out on my TZ - the last screen I had went to Berlin to be used at the Pinball Championships but Parcel Force took a week to deliver it instead of 1 day so it never got there :tsk:

Anyway, have a look at the results... I really need to get a new camera.
Design for metal screen surround went to the fabricators today - hopefully get first prototype early next week.

these look fab, i'll certainly be getting at least one to play with, as i spend far too much time staring at the flippers during anything urgent (like multiball) and so i miss all the useful info on the DMD. i apologise but i haven't read all your info before, is this easily interchangeable between machines? i wouldn't want to let it go if i sold a game with it on, unless i had a replacement to hand. also is it optional left/right on the apron? how much work needed to install it?

i am a bit of a computer noob, don't understand that raspberry pie thing or anything too complex.
thanks! and great work you are doing, btw, a real top job. i reckon these will become extremely desirable very soon, and that people used to using them will really miss them when playing games without.

It should be pretty easy to move from machine to machine, there's nothing game specific. I'll try it on the right hand side tomorrow, but don't see any reason why you couldn't choose right, left, or both!

I'm trying really hard to make this easy to use - yes, it uses a Raspberry Pi, but you don't need to know anything about it to get going. As time progresses and people give me feedback I'll update the software and support tools to make it better.

Looking good there. Mine arrived today - many thanks :) - Just getting to piecing the thing together :)

Just a quickie - any chance that the Metal screen might be available separately as well as with a "kit" with the screen? go on - please ;)


Looking good there. Mine arrived today - many thanks :) - Just getting to piecing the thing together :)

Just a quickie - any chance that the Metal screen might be available separately as well as with a "kit" with the screen? go on - please ;)


Yes, of course 👅

Just a quick thought - Why not (Bearing in mind that a simple Pi config with no USB connections draws less than 1A - nominally around 800mA in this type of configuration) produce a small cable/board that allows you to take the 5V power for the Pi from the Machine itself/extender - therefore meaning that when you add the Pi you then have a self contained unit requiring no additional Power requirements...

Looking at this at the moment, unless I'm reading it wrong, we have a power cable feeding the Extender itself, an optional cable for the Screen power (Which to be fair could possibly be tapped off the Coin door 12v feed - a short cable run - however everyone will need to run mains -> 5V for the Pi... so therefore Mains will be needed in there to provide the +5v for the Pi only - a PITA if you see what i mean :)

Just trying to add some constructive observations :)

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