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Concert/gig attending thread.....

Super pumped for this one tonight. A few bangers to hear from the new album.
Nice. Saw them on the last tour - just incredible sound 🙌

It’s had a few mixed reviews but I’m loving the new album . They are def leaning into the synth / shoegaze vibe a little more. A couple of tracks wouldn’t sound out of place on Slowdives recent album.
I think the pic is suggesting that Sharon doesnt think Ozzy will last too long (certainly sounded that way when she explained all the places they were planning to visit when he is over for the gig).
Personally I still think the ticket price was OTT. I know some think its a perfectly acceptable price - and I guess thats whats important... But a lot of justification seems to be "well this other band here charges £150 (or whatever) a show" and that makes it ok - I disagree, it just means there's more than one charging too much,
Maybe it isn't down to the band - but the band could push back - don't matter how important the promoter or whoever came up with that price think they are- if the band says no then there's no show.
(Mind you likely Sharon has a hand in all too :) )
I did 1/2 heartedly join the virtual ticket queue - but I wasn't especially huffed when I didn't get anywhere. I like maybe 1/2 the bands on the bill - which means around £100 per band - I don't think I like any of them enough to to pay that, (Especially since they will surely be playing reasonably short sets .. 30-40 mins maybe ?
(I'm talking really about the golden circle tickets here . The 400+ ones. But then I've always hated the whole pay to be near the front concept. Certainly the majority of gigs I go to, if you can get to the front under your own steam as it were you probably shouldn't be there...😁)
At the other end of the gig spectrum I’m doing my bit for small venues / bands and heading down the legendary Prince Albert in Brighton tonight for some harmonica fuelled garage rock riffage from Finland - seen these young guys before and they are a riot on stage , looking like they are enjoying every minute of living the rock n roll dream 🙌

And all for the princely sum of £8 . I’ll buy a t shirt too probably 🤩

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