Yes agreed Ian, machine alocation arguements aside, Peter and everyone else involved in the tournaments did work very hard to make it happen, and it worked extremely well 99% of the time which is an achievement in itself. Thanks to all involved.
Oh and if one of the critics (@cooldan perhaps?) would like to step up and take the job of arranging tournament and show tables then I am more than willing to hand it over to them...
You are also welcome to have the 5 hours of setting machines up, organising the tournament area and generally running round like a hair brained lunatic trying to get things sorted before the tournaments start. And the packing up afterwards when everyone makes a bee line for the exit and leaves the packing up to you...
is this not going to lead to us and them, i am worried about hearing statements like only for tournament use, can you clarify that statement because if it infers that no one outside the tournament can play them at all it makes sense to me about conversations i had reference other people deciding that their machines were not to be in the tournament .
I allowed my Iron man to be in the tournament but worry about the future ........... didnt affect me as i played the torney machines when it appeared the contests where down to just a couple of machines and people in the afternoon, worked for me, wouldnt that be the way to go ?????
i liked the system at 8bitflip best.
if i am to criticise, i will say that we didn't need anything like the 4h allowed to play the ten games. maybe good players can't finish ten two-player games in 240 minutes, but i could.
also the comp format wasn't entirely fair this time, as qualification wasn't a level playing field - some people were knocked out with 6 wins out of 10, and others went through with 5 wins, so it depended on who was in your group. can you imagine how some of our more competitive members would have reacted to being affected by that?
with so many machines, can we knocked-out players not have a consolation tournament to play on the Sunday (like David had at Pinburgh the other week)?
lots of good ideas here, especially the opening-and-closing windows for public play, but these depend on the owners of comp-only games accepting that idea. if they don't then i think those machines need to be out of the public eye and behind closed doors, so people don't see what they can't have.
The fact is the WPPR points really don't matter THAT much do they? It's one event and if worth 75% then so be it (fair enough if it has to be 100% for Euro tour rules). Last year on the Saturday, 137 players played on 14 machines and the tournament was over in one day - people moaned about machines being used in the tournament. This year 80 players were on 22 machines which means there were more than double the amount of machines used per player (excluding classics here) people are moaning a LOT more. I can't see how you don't think that's bad, irrespective of whether or not they wouldn't have been there almost 1/3 of the machines were in a tournament on Saturday. And that's excluding any use of the machines on Sunday (which last year would have been back in the free play area bar 5 league machines).
My point is simply this, the tournament needs to be in a separate room or venue to the party, it's confusing for the public and leads to a reasonable amount of aggro. It stops tournament people doing their thing because they are either explaining to people why they can't play, or in certain instances (which has happened at every UK Pinball show and Party) ejecting them from the area. I know how hard running a tournament can be, all the extra pressure that can easily be removed should be and anything that puts off casual players CANNOT be a good thing.
I think the Open can stand on its own as a week-end tournament (including league finals and classics), a middle of the country venue can't be too hard to find that will take 20-30 machines and 100 or so people. Those 20-30 machines shouldn't be difficult to source as they can be brought by tournament players, there can then still be a UK show which may be less well attended but may actually be better of for it.
Please understand I'm not picking on you here Peter, I don't think anybody is and I understand you wanting to justify, but we all must try to see it from a casual players perspective first and foremost as the flow of newer people that have come into the hobby in the last 3-4 years seems to have slowed quite dramatically.
omg what have I done, I was only responding to Dave's request for feedback![]()
Ok, I'll add my 2 pence worth seeing as it's all my fault with the selection of the tournament games that denied the general playing public their chance to go on them.
First off, the tournament - the UK Open was the driving force for the UK pinball party to happen. There were behind the scene discussions in planning for the UK open as we knew that Daventry was out this year and looked at alternatives. The answers we found were very expensive and would probably have been a minimum £30 (probably more like £50) entry to make anything viable. The Andrew Heighway offered use of the factory for the tournament (for which we were very grateful as it meant the UK Open could go ahead) and then it became the UK Pinball Party once again. For me personally it was the same distance and length time wise to travel to Merthyr as Daventry, however I have been known to drive to Scotland for the Scottish Open before now…
Tournament games are expected to be a certain standard if at all possible (clean and fully working) and as we set up before the show opens as it is best to try and avoid moving machines with the public milling around. Hence all late arrivals ending up near the back door. Sometime people will only lend games if they are only used for tournaments.
Tournament Games were:
So out of 22 machines, 9 were duplicates and it would have been more if a I500 had been ok and the other Iron Man had turned up earlier than it did. So that would have been half of the tournament machines had duplicates. Of the 22 there were 13 of which were supplied solely for tournament use.
- Avatar – Supplied by myself for tournament use, duplicate machine on the show floor.
- Whitewater – Supplied by Tim / myself for tournament use, there was supposed to be a duplicate machine on the show floor, although I don’t recall seeing it.
- T2 – Supplied by Tim / myself for tournament use only, duplicate machine on the show floor.
- World Challenge Soccer – Supplied by myself was supposed to be held in reserve for the tournaments but promoted other machines pencilled in for the tournament were not available (I500 one had GI out and the other was late arriving and had display driver board problems).
- WWF Royal Rumble – Supplied by myself for tournament use.
- X-men – Supplied by myself for tournament use.
- Goldeneye – Supplied by Mike for tournament use if we could get the display working, so I fixed it and it worked fine all weekend.
- Jackbot – Supplied by Andy H.
- ST:TNG – supplied by Jon, I grabbed it for the tournament seeing as I help arrange it’s transportation at the very last minute, delaying collection of games from Special When Lit and ended up helping Andy H load up at midnight.
- Fish Tales – Supplied by Keith, there were 2 other Fish Tales at the show. I was going to use another one for the Kids competition but that didn’t happen.
- World Cup Soccer – Supplied by Martin for tournament use.
- Scared Stiff – Supplied by Martin for tournament use.
- HS2 – Supplied by Martin for tournament use. There was supposed to be at least one other on the show floor but I think it may have been under repair. You can see it behind the door staff in one of the show photos.
- Walking Dead – Supplied by Dave M, for tournament use only. There was a LE for the show floor supplied by Andy H but it appears that no one unboxed it until Sunday…
- ST Pro – Supplied by Dave M, for tournament use only. There were another 2 on the show floor, although one used for the league for part of the day on Saturday.
- Corvette - Supplied by Martin for tournament use.
- Monster Bash – Supplied by Andy H. I was struggling to find enough machines for the tournament and Andy said to use this. I said it would lead to complaints but ended up using it anyway. Now if I’d known just how many complaints…
- Full Throttle – Supplied by Heighway Pinball. There were at least 2 others available to play in the entrance and it only seemed right to include this in the tournament given the location, etc.
- Spiderman – Supplied by Steve P, there were at least 2 others on the show floor, although one used for the league for part of the day on Saturday.
- Roadshow – Supplied by Dave S, there was supposed to be another one on the show floor.
- Blackout – Supplied by Dave S.
- Dracula – Supplied by Andy H.
Previous years we have used 20 machines for tournaments but they had a lot less games played on them on the one day.
Anyone could enter the classics and have a go on them on the Saturday, plus there were quite a few other classics on the show floor.
- Harlem Globetrotters – Supplied by Dave S.
- Firepower – Supplied by Andy H.
- Nitro Ground Shaker – Supplied by Dave W.
- Caveman – Supplied by Andy H, last minute replacement for Fire! as no one could find the keys for it (also Andy H).
- Mousing Around – Supplied by Andy F, last minute replacement when I couldn’t find Diner – Steve P as it was set up at the time of looking.
- Banzai Run – Supplied by Andy F, last minute replacement when Black Knight (also Andy F) displays played up.
Kids / Youth
We also had 30 games solely for show floor only. 10 were duplicates probably at least another 10 that were not usable/suitable (faults, no keys, etc).
- Flintstones – Supplied by Ian, tournament use only.
- Batman – Supplied by Andy H.
And Martin’s comments on the matter (taken for yahoo group).
A couple of points then.
Something perhaps people don't realise is that a significant number of the machines used in the five tournaments were brought to the Party *purely* for use in the tournaments. That is, if they weren't going to be used in the tournaments, they wouldn't be there at all. I know, as I transported a few of them.
Would it be better to have them and make them available to play after the tournaments on Friday night and Saturday night, or not have them at the show at all?
The other point is about swapping machines over between days. The reason we stopped that is because it's an absolute killer on the poor sods who have to do it.
Apart from the physical effort of moving all the machines around before the doors open to the public (can't be moving them once the public are there), you then end up with a bunch of tournament machines which have been played solid the previous day and developed a bunch of faults you have to discover and fix. Some of them might have died or not be easily repaired, so you then have to find replacements. You're also probably chasing up the (sleeping) owners to find the keys and have to re-level them and set them up for tournament play.
And even then you get the people who are coming to the show for one day saying "I wanted to play that machine". It's no help to them to say "well, you should have been here yesterday".
Peter, hopefully you don't consider my 2p worth as criticism as it wasn't meant that way it was a collection of thoughts/feedback for Dave/discussionSteve
No one in the UK likes the new WPPR system, it penalises smaller communities like ours.
This year was 88 players.
Last year was 20 machines (18 plus 2 reserves in the corner IIRC) and finished about 8.30pm. Last years how had a little over 80 machines in total, this years had a 100 or so, with almost half the tournament machines being duplicates.
As I explained at the start of my post, this was originally going to be a UK Open only event, which morphed in to the pinball party. I for one am glad it did and I am please that Andrew took it on to do so and included factory tours, dinner evening/hog roast, vendors, etc.
I think more people than ever have come in to the hobby in the last 3-4 year than have ever before. As @Paul will testify with the increase in members of this forum.
Really wish I could have made it this year, but I took a gamble to book my annual family holiday before the UKPP dates were announced (and was restricted to a certain degree by family availability). Unfortunately it overlapped on Friday and Saturday, and there was no way the wife was going to swallow me buggering off for a jolly day of pinball whilst she unpacked everything.
I would have LOVED to have to done the factory tour and been in on the private ALIENS reveal. OMG! From the general feedback it sounds hopeful that it's going to be a stonking title!
Back to Wicksteed Park in Kettering it is then! (But I would say that, as it was my idea in the first place and I was born there.)but no one has suggested a new venue, central location with a room bigger than Daventry
No worries, I'd rather this was all discussed while it's still fresh in peoples minds so that we can reflect and make changes if/as/where necessary. Some of us have more of an interest than others. If it can motivate people to get involved in the future that would be a big plus!![]()
Hey @Moonraker is that white water the one I nearly bought at the slam last year that lived at yours for abit? Lovely looking machine and plays beautifully
The real answer is to get 250 pins into andys then there will be plenty for everyone lol.
People will still complain about machine allocation...![]()