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I’ve been busy, made splash screens for most of the bally and stern games.
Created a test rig, so i can test various games, eg stern and bally.
been testing stern game code, all seems to work fine (after i fixed an issue last week)
got one guy in usa who cant get his displays working in some of his stern games, so investigating that with him. It’s confusing as it works in one of his sterns……
I’ve added some new features, eg list cycle mode, so can choose a list of fonts to use instead of all fonts.
now working on some other enhancements and also hardware refinements to make building easier. still waiting on parts to be able to ship more kits….
Made a dedicated 4 display board for the “Credit / match / ball in play” display, rather than using an ordinary 6 way. It just looks nicer! (and is about 10p cheaper to make
Life just got a whole lot easier, the base controller board I've now had fully made up, with all components and headers pre-soldered in the factory. Makes construction a heck of a lot easier. Still also got through-hole boards for those who prefer that approach.