New software released :
Release V4.15 19/1/2023
A number of changes in this release, it incorporates the changes in the V4.14C test release earlier this week.
1. BSOS compatibility. Now works with BSOS operating system - however the scrolling feature whereby BSOS scrolls a 7 digit
score across a 6 digit screen may not work fully, there may be a glitch or two.
2. Remove the splash screen flash on start up - this doesn't look good especially when each display boots at a different rate,
so the flashes were not synchronised anyway. It looks better that the splash screen stays on until the display starts to get
data from the game itself.
3. The Setup screen no longer flickers (The right most display was flickering as it was constantly being cleared and redrawn).
Now it only redraws if it needs to.
4. The config json file stored on the SD card is now stored in a format that is easier to read. The File now holds some additional info that will be used in a future release.
5. Fixed an issue where the "Sender" display was sending it's initial font out too early, and receivers didn't have time to boot
and receive the message. The send now happens after the "sender" starts to receive data from the game. this is after the
splash screen has been displayed.
6. Added support for image font files that contain a comma. At startup the system looks on the SD card and if it finds comma
version of the image files, it will use these. Normal font files are 0.jpg, 1.jpeg ...9.jpg etc. the comma files are named
with a "c" appending the number - e.g. 0c.jpg -> 9c.jpg. I have made a rather crude set of comma files for the first font,
font 0. These files are available to download from the SD card images folder. (Edit: Fonts 0,1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10, 17,18,19 & 20 all now have comma versions)
I'm posting more frequent updates over on pinside:
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