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Avatar by Jersey Jack Pinball

it was supposedly just a memo sent out to distros.

Info previously heard is:

6 ramps
Flow is fast and fun
Steve Richie had impact on layout
2 mini play fields - 1 being the floating mountain.
Uv lights
Same price
1000 CE
"The lighting on this machine is the stand out feature"

Wasn't that the same thing they were saying about Elton John?
That notice is supposedly fake so I wouldn’t take too much of it to heart.

Same price is probably true though which is a shame as JJP are daft money this side of the pond
From the pictures posted so far it's going to look amazing. How good it plays is a different matter, and as above they need to lower the price, which they won't.
Defo need to lower price. Elton John sales would have doubled if it was priced the same as GnR..
I don’t think that is their business model.

Theirs is sell less for a higher price and to be fair it seems to be working.
Elton sold plenty, the suggestion that it did poorly is well wide of the mark. JJP believe they're back and certainly not licking their wounds and wondering how they might sell more games.

JJP's are expensive and an absolute luxurious indulgence, but they bounced back with Elton. It's not for me to divulge PH's figures but the first two shipments sold out. People would be shocked to see which rival titles EJ outsold since it went up for sale. I'd be surprised if their market share hadn't increased.

I'm not saying Avatar will be a hit, but Elton got absolutely slated when it was announced, yet people ended up dropping big money on it.

G&R sold loads but then had the playfield problems. Toy Story was a poor seller because they messed up pretty much everything and Godfather was certainly not a big seller over here.

If Avatar looks stunning and shoots as well as Elton, they'll sell plenty even at £13k plus.
Elton sold ok but nothing near the numbers of gnr again it’s down to price the feedback from the show was that everyone loved Elton John it was packed out all weekend but when speaking to most people they loved it but it was too expensive so wouldn’t buy it
Elton was written off due to the theme but when people actually played it there perception changed
Gnr sold in mass on theme looks and the music but game play is poor and too many multi balls it is a thing of beauty though
If they could bring everything together in the next titles then they could be on to a winner but the price is always going to be the sticking point needs to be priced to target stern premium buyers
I do think you will get rad cals art blades some kind of topper and maybe a shooter rod as standard on the le thought
I have a feeling JJP are suddenly getting really nervous after the announcement of Uncanny X-men. They have just release another teaser video with full announcement being on the 12th of September.

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