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Anyone buying a Full Throttle?

How well were you playing by the end of it? I find I go right off when I'm tired and spend more time watching the ball roll down the drain lol! The late night session at the UKPP was great but I was absolutely knackered by then and didn't really know what I was doing!
Ha! By the end, and especially during the graveyard shift I wasn't so much playing as just pushing the buttons ;-) Hated all things pinball by that stage [emoji2]
I've still never been able to get a full game on FT. Only played one ball with it being so busy getting attention at UKPP last year (couldn't attend this year).

Hoping to see 'at least' one at NLP/Play Expo next month, an ideal showcase venue to pinheads and the public. :)
@RudeDogg1 - stop teasing us!

A few goes, all of which good ones?
You played it a few times and only some of those games pleased you?

My only criticism of the game is the skinny backbox (which makes perfect sense given it contains nothing really) but then I do love the meaty WPC back box. Looks solid, industrial, expensive, serious. But if that's my only negative they must be doing something very right.
Looks solid, industrial, expensive, serious. And heavy! And complicated. Diving into a system 11c backbox is like delving into the cabinet of an EM . you feel like a proper engineer (even if like me you don't really know what you are doing)
FT got a LOT of play at the EGX over the weekend and played really fast . That left reverse outlane even caught me out a few times!
Haven't got the link here (search You Tube) but Bowen Kerins from PAPA has just posted a Full Throttle tutorial. Excellent as always and really makes me want to play the game now as he explains the rules so well. Andrew @Heighway Pinball maybe you should put the link on your website?. Praise from Bowen is praise indeed. Well Done Team Heighway!
I actually got to spend some good time with Full Throttle at the NLP show, probably had about 10 games over the weekend, and I have to say it was MUCH better than I was expecting.

The theme was not one I would personally choose, but the playfield actually had a really interesting layout, with lots of big looping shots, and a reasonably high level of challenge.

The cab seems weird at first, but the more you look at it, the more it grows on you. It has a very industrial quality look with metal plates around the flipper and start buttons, which must be great for curbing cab wear, the light up sides look really really cool and you could have this as a showcase item in the middle of your gamesroom.

The framing around the glass is actually also a great idea, as it would allow you to have hidden lighting shining down onto the playfield without glare.

So, I now know what quality to expect from Heighway pinball, if a theme came up that I really liked, then I now know that I would be happy to order one.

Considering the price of a Heighway table, I think you are getting a hell of a lot more for your money than a Stern Pro, with their never ending cutbacks and cost savings.

One other thing to mention is that I find the playfield LCD un-natural and would certainly opt to have the extra LCD in the backbox, which is nice that it's offered as an option.
Just finished watching the Bowen Kerins FULL THROTTLE tutorial at PAPA.org.


High praise indeed from one of the best pinball players. He seems to know the whole game inside out (except his whoopsie about Red Mist). How much pinball does this man play?!?!! @Heighway Pinball must be chuffed to bit with that review though and well deserved. I put 4 or 5 games on FULL THROTTLE at NLP and was very impressed. I'm never going to be able to afford a new machine but if I ever win the lottery I'm getting one.
would certainly opt to have the extra LCD in the backbox, which is nice that it's offered as an option.
Three options: no display or you can have a little LCD in the back box or a great big one!

No display:


Little display:


BIG display:

It's just one compliment after another. And not from some schmo either, from the best known player in the world.

Makes you realise just how much effort must go into designing a game. Not just the endless tweaking of the physical "flow" but the game rules to make it interesting and challenging, to weave a story through the basic mechanics of slapping the ball around.

When I looked at HP's though website I couldn't find the same depth of information about the gameplay, features and rules as are contained in this video. I do hope HP can obtain permission to link this video on their site. What a coup!
Did he say it came from England :)

I really enjoyed playing it at NLP it just felt different.
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