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Anyone buying a Full Throttle?

Well said, now let's hope we haven't frightened him off :-) . Really hoping for a more local ( to me ) UKPP, the chance to play a finished Full Throttle and maybe even a playable Aliens, that would be awesome.
Looks as though the last days of my summer holiday overlaps with the proposed August 21 weekend for UKPP this year, so a bit gutted I can't make it as it would be awesome to see a production FT and what may well turn out to be the first public outing for ALIEN (if I was a betting man that's where my money would be).

Keep it up, @Heighway Pinball!
Trying to find the info now @kevlar but I'm sure I saw mention somewhere from Andy that something would be announced about something happening that weekend. Maybe I'm jumping guns assuming it'll be UKPP2015. I've got a feeling (and hope) there'll be a change of venue...
Blast! I can't find it... yet! I mentioned in one of my posts on here on March 23. Think it might have been on Facebook...
why change of venue? thought the barcelo was a great place for the party even though i had to drive from mid wales
Rumours are South Wales Eric, or that could just be wishful thinking on my part. Would make sense for heighway pinball too.
wow that would be close, ,but very unfair on a lot of other people as its not that central
Daventry is a good central location for the UK, but that hall is so dingy and depressing! The lighting is awful too. I never had to endure one of the years when it over-heated but it seemed very cramped for both 2013 and 2014. Would be nice to have things a bit more spread out, at least half as big again. The hotel itself was nice enough and reasonably priced. I stayed the night in 2013 and breakfast was very good. I can't comment on the evening events as I didn't attend them - instead I popped out to buy a few beers and ended up getting an excellent takeaway curry!

However, the Daventry Court Hotel also holds my personal record of selling me the most disgusting and over-priced cappuccino I have ever ordered. Utterly undrinkable and returned for a refund.
Daventry can't get food right either, overpriced and low quality (aside from the breakfast, that was fine when they actually had bacon), I personally am glad of the change of venue.
Great to hear the Pinball Party is on again this year. That and an event Andrew ran at Pipeline a few years ago are basically to thank/blame for me getting into the hobby properly. I'll have a Heighway pin one day once I've got room/cash for one! :)
Is the UKPP at Merthyr Tydfil this year?
A question for Andy @Heighway Pinball;

I played the Full Throttle game at the launch in the Pipeline and really liked it, except for;

The rather sharp corners where you hold the machine, all other pins have the look-down bar 'palm-rests' chamfered is this something you will be doing to the final production model?

My only other comment would be please use professional voice actors.

Good luck with sales.
well to be honest daventry wasnt the best ,yes the strip lights were annoying on the glass,yes the food wasnt brilliant ,but for me the surroundings and the hotel were very good and it housed over 100 pins so fair play to andy it takes a bit to get it all running perfect and id rather that big room it was in than a warehouse and as the food wasnt brilliant we went out in the evenings, as there was plenty of places to eat round and about. So i will say thanks andy, as have been 4 years now and enjoyed every single one.(mind there seemed a lot less working and newer pins last year compared to other years but thats not down to andy, so all im saying is bring on this years.
Only been to the last two parties but made the rookie error of eating there the first year. Didn't make that mistake again.

One big advantage though is that the location is good as it's pretty central for a lot of people. Also having rooms / swimming pool in the same venue does mean that you can take a break from the pinball noise. Much as I loved the slam when you were there you were pretty much there for the day with no where to sit and chill out.

Although the hotel isn't the cheapest place it's not drastically more than most places in London

End of the day it's Andy's gig so good luck to him whatever he decides, must be a PITA to organise. Still want him to invite Kevin from SkitB to be the guest speaker (assuming they do a day release program;))
Only been to the last two parties but made the rookie error of eating there the first year. Didn't make that mistake again.
Never done it, got warned, took note, didn't bother.

Think I have made it up there 3 or 4 years on the trot now, to say the hotel isn't good value isn't right. I did notice last year the standards for the room wasn't as high as the last visits but I am hardly a hotel expert and we don't get too much sleep anyway. The breakfasts are good enough. Couple of decent hours sleep + good breakfast = can't complain.

The other shows apart from SLAM is too much of a mission for us, so if the plug was pulled on Daventry we'd be pretty gutted.
Never done it, got warned, took note, didn't bother.

Think I have made it up there 3 or 4 years on the trot now, to say the hotel isn't good value isn't right. I did notice last year the standards for the room wasn't as high as the last visits but I am hardly a hotel expert and we don't get too much sleep anyway. The breakfasts are good enough. Couple of decent hours sleep + good breakfast = can't complain.

The other shows apart from SLAM is too much of a mission for us, so if the plug was pulled on Daventry we'd be pretty gutted.
Prepare to be gutted.
i really liked the venue yes the food wasnt great but you were only a walk away from shops and cheep places to eat i think the hotel price was good for nice surroundings swimming pool ect ect compared to a travel lodge that i stayed in for replay no breakfast and more expensive and i also like the fact you can go to your room for a bru when you get fed up of pinballl as for reply where you are a mile away so you are stuck there for the day i will sadly miss the pinball party at daventry
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