This has been BY FAR the most challenging print I have managed to succeed with.
I tried printing it on my Flashforge, but just couldn't get the supports to detach successfully.
I then tried again with the dual headed Creator Pro. After the first attempt when I got the soluble PVA and the Black PLA the wrong way round - so the supports printed in PLA and the model was soluble

I tried again but it really didn't come out well.
Finally after getting my P1P Bambu I thought I'd give it another try. However after slicing it with full PVA support and model in Black PLA on highest quality settings it was showing as a 48hr print costing over £60 for a 25cm model!
I sliced again using 2nd best quality but instead using the soluble PVA, just as the interface between support and model. This came out at a 30hr print at
only £25. The issue I had, despite drying the PVA in my dryer for over 8hrs was that it was still a little tacky and causing the AMS to not feed correctly, stopping the print. After 2 failed attempts like this I re-dried the PVA and gave it another go.
This time success

although I had to manually loosen the PVA by spinning the spool every couple of hours, turning it in to over 40hrs printing anyway.
It might be a bit small to work as a topper (but there is a version to print larger and assemble together) , but it could be attached to the side of the backbox, so it looks likes it's climbing up the wall.