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X Men - and apparently people like it. (and me too now :))

Well we knew it would be that.

Another Marvel release, yeah boiiiiii.

Sarcasm aside it's better than Venom as a license!
Mr Danger will have that shooting well no doubt.

Not a theme for me but plenty like that Marvel stuff and if it plays as well as Foo Fighters it should be good.
I've seen X-men as a licence compared to Venom- for those not too into Marvel, X-men is leagues ahead
LE”s limited to 811 and shipping first

Bored with the recent Marvel tables, but excited for this; X-men (comic or cartoon) is much more interesting to me than Avengers bollx or Venom.
Also unlikely to be a simple rehash with J Danger involved 👍🏻
LE”s limited to 811 and shipping first

Guess there trying to push LE sales by saying you'll get them first as must be dropping a bit with the huge increase over the prem now, and lowering production numbers as they are not selling as well as they used too.
And you would have thought how it played would be the stand out feature.
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