I'm a software engineer by trade, and have been working with computers - as in, inquisitively and with an interest to their workings - since I was about 7.
It's very, very easy technically speaking, to consistently spoof someone's identity to the point where you could get your victim targeted in one of these busts.
In real terms though, nobody but someone's most sworn, mortal, evil-scheming, and extremely patient enemy would leave the kind of paper trail that produces such a police warrant.
As always, the law is 'innocent until proven guilty' for very good reasons, but in this case I sincerely doubt that there is a mistake.
It's very, very easy technically speaking, to consistently spoof someone's identity to the point where you could get your victim targeted in one of these busts.
In real terms though, nobody but someone's most sworn, mortal, evil-scheming, and extremely patient enemy would leave the kind of paper trail that produces such a police warrant.
As always, the law is 'innocent until proven guilty' for very good reasons, but in this case I sincerely doubt that there is a mistake.