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WPC89 powerboard Vs RottenDog and others

Dave Bishop

Site Supporter
10 Years
Jul 21, 2011
Sidcup, Kent
People’s opinion please

would you rather have an original WPC powerboard- working with no hacks, Or have a newer board?

what do people look for when buying a pin?Original board sets or do people prefer newer boards?

I hear the newer boards have issues almost straight away?

Original for me, hacked or not, then X-Pin then Rottendog.

X-Pin have design improvements whereas RD is a replica of the original.

The originals have a great track record, 20 plus years are still going strong.
Original all day long for my machines.
Original where possible but also have the other 2 with no issues yet.
Pinled has surface mount, Rottendog through hole.
£150 a good price.
Original boards, even if repaired. Rottendog iffy
I’d happily pay £100 for a wpc driver board if anyone’s got one?
Been after a spare for a while. Paid over that for one from the guy in Portugal but sadly never received it.
I’d happily pay £100 for a wpc driver board if anyone’s got one?
Been after a spare for a while. Paid over that for one from the guy in Portugal but sadly never received it.
If you bought the one from the guy in Portugal and it never arrived then maybe best reporting it to admin so no one else gets stung
Clean boards don’t come up often and I bought one for a spare from a trader on here all be it through eBay for a bit more than £150 and I knocked him down as well.
Cant remember the last time I have seen one for sale that is clean and unhacked.
Had to change every transistor on the rottendog driver I bought as they kept blowing so I did that but then changed it out for an original because who could be bothered. And do you know what the best part was? No more fart noise when the machine powers down 👌
I’ve got a rotten dog CPU board in my TNG and it’s been bullet proof so far.

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I’ve got a rotten dog CPU board in my TNG and it’s been bullet proof so far.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

Are you using NVRAM in that one Neil? Struggled a bit to work out what nvram to use, Ramtron FM1608 isn't working.
Yup - RD CPU's are very picky when it comes to NVRAMS.....

Any suggestions? I read on pinside that Ramtron FM1808 is supposed to work, but of course they are more expensive, and only available from dodgy chinese ebay sellers.
Awesome - do you remember where you got it from?
Had a couple from ages ago (picked them up when i first heard about changing the chips over). Havent got a clue where any remaining are now as i have moved twice since and half my stuff is still in storage under lockdown... Might find the other in 2026..... :(
Dont use rottendogs - have fitted two brand new ones for a customer and had exploaded capacitors !
In the end I refurbished his original ones and we returned the rottendog boards (took him ages to get a refund as well).
Awesome - do you remember where you got it from?

I bought a number of the 1608's from ebay item 222076050798 (tried to add a link but link url keeps getting changed to a different page!).

Bear in mind that this was a few years ago now, but I tested them all on arrival with a ram tester and all passed.

It appears they do a FM18W08 as well.
Original boards all day long.

They’re still working 20 odd years later. Will you be able to say the same of RD boards? I’ll let you decide (but the answer is no)
Rottendog all the way, I have a few Rottendog CPU & Power Boards in use and all been bullet proof!

I have tried a PinLED CPU and it did not work in my BSD, popped in a Rottendog CPU and it worked straight away.
I have also tried a PinLED Power Board in my BOP 2.0 and it did not play well with the P-ROC controller, again put in a Rottendog Power Board and its rock steady, no issues.

So 2 for 2 I would never use a PinLED again!
On an aisde... (Seems like a good place!)... If anyone has an original/Rottendog/Pinled WPC89 Cpu for sale... Please drop me a PM... ;)
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