Just looking back at my photos - I bought a couple of these from China - an orange and a green. If you look at the photos closely, at the other side of the 4 connections, it says +5V,+5V,GND,GND. (The black tape on yours is possibly covering that up?)I put the green one in CSI. Seem to remember just using the same connector that went to the existing LED display.
I then tried a Stern LED display in Roadshow using a homemade cable and it worked fine (Which is possibly how yours should have been?) I was advised not to do it that way long term as it could dip the 5V supply and possibly cause reset issues.
I can test it for you if you want - using a separate 5V supply.
I then tried a Stern LED display in Roadshow using a homemade cable and it worked fine (Which is possibly how yours should have been?) I was advised not to do it that way long term as it could dip the 5V supply and possibly cause reset issues.
I can test it for you if you want - using a separate 5V supply.