Its a good thing we all like different stuff, otherwise we'd all be after the same machines. I can't name a worst, I think they all have something to offer. I even played Popeye several times when I got the chance recently. I have found myself marking down machines that are too similar to other machines, and for me I need a variety. Every day I will play my Paragon - it's such a leveler or a game and it is short and fast - so makes a nice change from a long go on a more modern machine. I love the quick simple rules of the EM games. I don't like the EM's with the tiny flippers. But I can't say any of them are worst games ever. I find some titles unappealing - Big Buck Hunter for example - it just doesn't appeal in the slightest, but I won't pass any sort of other judgement until I've played it a few times, which I will, if the opportunity ever presents itself. So my vote for worst game ever is the ones that I used to find in amusement arcades that were 1/2 working, broken, dirty and battered. There is just no fun in playing such machines. For me, I'll willingly play any of the rest.