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Williams amusements

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Very interesting thread @beccawadkin. Thanks for enlightening us on the route to take if encountering problems.

I would not just just give up the dance machine. I would keep it and let Williams do the work (like you have for months) to get it back. They have given you the run around!

If legally you can keep it even after refund then I would. Get it fixed and enjoy your game.. Maybe you could sell it back to Williams when you are done with it.. Sold as seen of course!
Very interesting thread @beccawadkin. Thanks for enlightening us on the route to take if encountering problems.

I would not just just give up the dance machine. I would keep it and let Williams do the work (like you have for months) to get it back. They have given you the run around!

If legally you can keep it even after refund then I would. Get it fixed and enjoy your game.. Maybe you could sell it back to Williams when you are done with it.. Sold as seen of course!
Well, as I have been left with no choice but to instruct my preferred enforcement officer now in light of the debtor’s non-payment, unfortunately that means the window to settle the debt as per the court order and collect the machine as per my generosity has well and truly passed. The enforcement offer will now collect the debt plus their fees and I will keep the machine. It’s lose-lose now, unfortunately, but of course not for me!
Well, as I have been left with no choice but to instruct my preferred enforcement officer now in light of the debtor’s non-payment, unfortunately that means the window to settle the debt as per the court order and collect the machine as per my generosity has well and truly passed. The enforcement offer will now collect the debt plus their fees and I will keep the machine. It’s lose-lose now, unfortunately, but of course not for me!
I think we will see a new version of this company appear soon and the current one will die and take the debt with it. Not sure this will actually even cost them any money?
I think we will see a new version of this company appear soon and the current one will die and take the debt with it. Not sure this will actually even cost them any money?
As I mentioned earlier in the thread, the CCJ is against both the business and the individual. Even if the company ceases to exist, the individual will still be pursued. I know very well how these things work, and so I planned for this from the outset.
As I mentioned earlier in the thread, the CCJ is against both the business and the individual. Even if the company ceases to exist, the individual will still be pursued. I know very well how these things work, and so I planned for this from the outset.
That was something I couldn't follow yet (likely due to my ignorance of the law): I saw the guy added on the CCJ, but I had previously understood that the point of an Ltd company is that it is a separate legal entity to the individual director(s), who are not personally liable. Unless misfeasance (they acted unlawfully) can be proven, but I guess that would mean another court judgement?!?

So the bit I don't follow is how the judge could make the individual liable - did they explain that bit - just interested to know out of interest.
I think she already explained this in being aware the company owner wouldn't be personally liable if she just went after the company and they could just phoenix it, so she added the guy personally and he didnt turn up to contest it. Small claims can be made against individuals.
That was something I couldn't follow yet (likely due to my ignorance of the law): I saw the guy added on the CCJ, but I had previously understood that the point of an Ltd company is that it is a separate legal entity to the individual director(s), who are not personally liable. Unless misfeasance (they acted unlawfully) can be proven, but I guess that would mean another court judgement?!?

So the bit I don't follow is how the judge could make the individual liable - did they explain that bit - just interested to know out of interest.
The case was prosecuted jointly against the two separate parties as individual defendants from the very outset, and thus the hearing was heard against both parties and the judgment was made against both parties, so no further hearing or judgment is required since this has already taken place. All of the relevant facts in the matter were established at the hearing and considered when issuing the judgment. The individual acted unlawfully, and this was proven.
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Sorry! It might help with people’s understanding a bit if I also highlight the following; the date of purchase of the machine was 4 September 2023. Arcade Planet Limited was incorporated on 12 September 2023. So technically, I bought the machine from the individual operating the business at that point, as the company did not yet exist at that point to operate the business - however the company then upon its incorporation inherited responsibility for all aspects of the business, including this particular sale. As we all know, the business has been trading for many years and this company is just the latest in a very long line of different companies that have operated it, which the Judge took into account when issuing the judgment, determining that based upon all of the facts in the matter, I had brought the case against the relevant parties.
Sorry! It might help with people’s understanding a bit if I also highlight the following; the date of purchase of the machine was 4 September 2023. Arcade Planet Limited was incorporated on 12 September 2023. So technically, I bought the machine from the individual operating the business at that point, as the company did not yet exist at that point to operate the business - however the company then upon its incorporation inherited responsibility for all aspects of the business, including this particular sale. As we all know, the business has been trading for many years and this company is just the latest in a very long line of different companies that have operated it, which the Judge took into account when issuing the judgment, determining that based upon all of the facts in the matter, I had brought the case against the relevant parties.
Ahh, that all makes sense now :thumbs:
Ahh, that all makes sense now :thumbs:
I think because I’m right in the thick of it all and it’s my little baby, as every litigation project that I pursue inevitably becomes, I sometimes have a tendency to take the small, but very important, facts for granted! There’s so much detail contained within a 6 page witness statement and a 111 page bundle of evidence that some of it can kind of end up getting a little bit lost amongst the overall story!
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You are far more knowledgeable than me on dealing with this sort of thing.

I have personally been screwed by 3 of their companies from the past.

I now assume any company in Pontefract/Castleford is probably them and avoid
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You are far more knowledgeable than me on dealing with this sort of thing.

I have personally been screwed by 3 of their companies from the past.

I now assume any company in Pontefract/Castleford is probably them and avoid
I am so sorry about this. How long ago was it? You know you have up to six years from the date of purchase to bring proceedings . . . so I hope it might not be too late for you. You could possibly do exactly as I did and prove that the current company operating the business has inherited all responsibility for what has gone before it. And probably also quote my specific case in order to assist you in doing so!

A Small Claims Court claim is exceptionally easy to bring. In comparison, an Employment Tribunal witness statement runs to around 120 pages, and a bundle of evidence to around 1,400 pages - so you can understand why I found preparing for a Small Claims Court hearing to be an absolute breeze and no hardship whatsoever! To be honest though, I just really love everything about being in court, and it’s an experience I would highly recommend to anyone. Cross examining witnesses and trapping them with their own lies is always my absolute favourite part. I have also attended hearings just to observe, too, because it’s genuinely a top tier day out. It’s free, so way cheaper than buying theatre tickets, and it’s definitely far more entertaining.

I just truly love the law so much. I am intensely passionate about it because it fundamentally saved my life at one point. I found myself in a situation where I felt that I had no options available to me, no way forward, and no choice other than to accept the treatment that I was being subjected to. The knowledge that the law provided me with at that time has given me so much power. I will never feel helpless ever again. And I hope that other people can be supported by it the way I have.
You are far more knowledgeable than me on dealing with this sort of thing.

I have personally been screwed by 3 of their companies from the past.

I now assume any company in Pontefract/Castleford is probably them and avoid
Crazy thing is I've been in their warehouse in Castleford - it's got a lot of pins in there!
Crazy to have $$$ of stock but to then put in minimal (or detrimental) effort.
Why would they change a winning forumula?
I am so sorry about this. How long ago was it? You know you have up to six years from the date of purchase to bring proceedings . . . so I hope it might not be too late for you. You could possibly do exactly as I did and prove that the current company operating the business has inherited all responsibility for what has gone before it. And probably also quote my specific case in order to assist you in doing so!

A Small Claims Court claim is exceptionally easy to bring. In comparison, an Employment Tribunal witness statement runs to around 120 pages, and a bundle of evidence to around 1,400 pages - so you can understand why I found preparing for a Small Claims Court hearing to be an absolute breeze and no hardship whatsoever! To be honest though, I just really love everything about being in court, and it’s an experience I would highly recommend to anyone. Cross examining witnesses and trapping them with their own lies is always my absolute favourite part. I have also attended hearings just to observe, too, because it’s genuinely a top tier day out. It’s free, so way cheaper than buying theatre tickets, and it’s definitely far more entertaining.

I just truly love the law so much. I am intensely passionate about it because it fundamentally saved my life at one point. I found myself in a situation where I felt that I had no options available to me, no way forward, and no choice other than to accept the treatment that I was being subjected to. The knowledge that the law provided me with at that time has given me so much power. I will never feel helpless ever again. And I hope that other people can be supported by it the way I have.

It's far too long ago now, the last time they were Arcade World I think
Best get your orders in now if you want something specific. 😀

They don't seem to sell many pinballs. I went and looked at one 18 months ago and same machine still in stock now.
Reputation probably precedes them by now! No thinking person would look at all of the evidence available and still decide to take the risk at this stage.
Plus the prices they try to charge
Well on paper better prices than Homeleisuredirect and way better than Gamesroomcompany, but I suspect you do actually get a machine that works from those other companies. Far better to buy off of here. Thank God I found this place !
, but I suspect you do actually get a machine that works from those other companies

See other threads for info
"Ltd complany who who are not personally liable"

Ive been on the wrong end of this in the past (long story). Its Limited Liability... Not NO liability. Still have to show/prove youve run the company in a financially responsible manner, otherwise the limited liability part is allot less than youd think

As always with this type of thing, completely depends on the judge you get on the day.
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Well, well! All you naysayers . . . the full £5,061.82 was paid into my bank account this morning and therefore the CCJ has been satisfied, so better late than never . . . the machine has just been collected, because I’m a truly beautiful specimen of humanity and good will, and this entire debacle is over and done with. All’s well that ends well, we can just chalk it up to experience, and every other cliche.
Now with the money buy these and run ITGmania on an old laptop. Brand new setup for half the price!

What happened to the credit card refund?
Obviously I’m going to tell the credit card company not to proceed any further at this point - they’ll just reclaim the interim £4,250 that they refunded to me pending a full resolution and abandon their pursuit of the claim.
Now with the money buy these and run ITGmania on an old laptop. Brand new setup for half the price!

I’m the least technical person on this planet . . . but if I knew how to make this work, I absolutely would! That’s by far the nicest pad I’ve ever seen for home use.
Well, well! All you naysayers . . . the full £5,061.82 was paid into my bank account this morning and therefore the CCJ has been satisfied, so better late than never . . . the machine has just been collected, because I’m a truly beautiful specimen of humanity and good will, and this entire debacle is over and done with. All’s well that ends well, we can just chalk it up to experience, and every other cliche.
You might be the first/only person to ever get their money back from them. Well done!
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