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Why is pinball on the rise again ?

Marc was only in this game to make money.
He is still here but has lost a lot of interest. Buying low and selling high is how you make your money and as there are no bargain machines anymore then things get less interesting to someone who wants to make money out of the hobby. Even buying cheap from Europe has dried up to what it once was so where do you look for a steady supply of bargain pinball machines ?
Marc was only in this game to make money.
He is still here but has lost a lot of interest. Buying low and selling high is how you make your money and as there are no bargain machines anymore then things get less interesting to someone who wants to make money out of the hobby. Even buying cheap from Europe has dried up to what it once was so where do you look for a steady supply of bargain pinball machines ?
Dunno but when you find out, let me know ;)
ust what reasons have led to the increased demand for pins these days

Because it's cool as f*ck and people are starting to come to the realisation that to become one of life's winners, you play pinball :thumbs:
The reason EM machines have gone up in value is that there are not enough DMD machines to go around thus people are turning to the older style machines.
In the States with the prices of new pins going to insane levels, more people are choosing to add one decent EM title to their collections, not least to add a bit of variety. Not sure why em's get a bad wrap in the UK. Some say they are slow but all depends on set up. My favourite game is IM which is lightning quick but I have played em's that seem nearly as quick!
Marc was only in this game to make money.
He is still here but has lost a lot of interest. Buying low and selling high is how you make your money and as there are no bargain machines anymore then things get less interesting to someone who wants to make money out of the hobby. Even buying cheap from Europe has dried up to what it once was so where do you look for a steady supply of bargain pinball machines ?

Personally I'm glad he's struggling. With his overinflated prices, gives pinball perhaps a bad name with people wanting a machine but simply unable to afford. Surprised he ever sold any. If there was another machine on ebay at the same time, you could bet it sold for 3-500 less than his.

I'd also love to know why the price of a new stern has reached stratospheric prices. 6.5k for an le or whatever the top model is? Come on stern, your charging 2k extra for what, an extra toy and ramp and extra software over original price. Don't get it.

Personally I'm glad he's struggling. With his overinflated prices, gives pinball perhaps a bad name with people wanting a machine but simply unable to afford. Surprised he ever sold any. If there was another machine on ebay at the same time, you could bet it sold for 3-500 less than his.

I'd also love to know why the price of a new stern has reached stratospheric prices. 6.5k for an le or whatever the top model is? Come on stern, your charging 2k extra for what, an extra toy and ramp and extra software over original price. Don't get it.

I believe he's now trying to put games on location as well as selling them.
Perhaps it's sign that people aren't biting at his price range, but are still interested in paying maybe £1 a go here and there.
Yes Marc is operating machines in the Newcastle area and enjoying doing it, having said that he has just secured a shipment of pins from overseas so watch out for some pins hitting the bay shortly.
I believe he's now trying to put games on location as well as selling them.
Perhaps it's sign that people aren't biting at his price range, but are still interested in paying maybe £1 a go here and there.

So, what you are saying is that prices have dropped?
Well I think at least prices have levelled off and stabilised and in some cases starting to fall, albeit in microcosip proportions :cool:
Well I have no idea why pinball is on the rise but for me it was when I played revenge from Mars on holidays when I was 16! Also played a TOM weekly in a local arcade till it vanished! :p Its like crack, hooked instantly!

Took me almost 8 years to be in a position to get my own pin! Finally having my own house I'm able to get pinballs and arcade machines! Just finding them, and at a decent price, in Ireland is the problem

For me its the same reason I'm a fairly obsessed console and arcade game collector. I just want the same things I did when I was growing up!
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I really don think its anything to do with prices,its i think due to the ever presence of the enthusiast,the folk who have always tried to keep it in the public eye in the onslaught of the video game and then the home entertainment systems,people who throughout this have traded,bought and sold,hosted league meets and organised the big shows not only in the uk but. Europe and the states.
So we the pinball enthusiast should pat ourselves on the back,yes prices have gone up no getting around that but without what's gone before it would have totally gone.
It's a shame I'm not seeing more of them in pubs, we did have one but it didn't last. The fruit machines have the capability to charge a quid for one press of a button...Spose that's where the cashboxes are. Pinball just isn't making cash in that way or that speed and as much as I wish it should, I don't like paying a quid for a game...!

Fruit machines however are a lot harder to get rid of if you have one for home use in this day and age. Ebay/Gumtree and that have been cracking down for sometime making sure sellers are licensed etc. It would be a lot easier to shift a pinball table around (as in buy-sell, not transporting round the house etc) I had a fruity and it got pulled from Gumtree a few times before I managed to get a buyer. So perhaps not just the pinball enthusiasts are on the rise, but the gamesroom/electronic games enthusiasts want one in the house and at this time, although more expensive, a pinball table makes a great choice...and who can blame them!
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