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In Progress Whitewater - Topper and other stuff


Site Supporter
10 Years
Jul 21, 2011
Southampton, UK
I recently purchased a Whitewater, not in bad condition, but some bits not so good. A few broken and missing plastics and boulders, some typical wear, lamps out, weak VUK, the usual stuff you expect - plus the big one - no topper. Having managed to negotiate a reasonable price considering the issues and missing topper, I have embarked on sourcing parts to create a new one. And now it's all here, it's time to put it all together. It's virtually impossible to get the original graphic (unless I am missing something) and I am resigned to the fact there's no way I am going to be able to recreate the original moving water effect, as having read online, it takes some specialist foil and around 50,000 - 60,000 hand-done etchings. I don't think so! So instead I am opting for a glitter effect. It seems to be the easiest of the options and creates a similar, although not perfect, moving water effect. Although I am going to say "glittery" as opposed to moving! So far, I have fixed a lot of the annoying issues and have now upgraded the DMD to a colour LED one.

Here's what I have:
  • Clear dome - sourced from Italy
  • Graphic stand - sourced from the Netherlands
  • Reproduction graphic - sourced from the US
  • Glitter glue x 4 in various colours including one that is called "waterfall". Let's see.
The board to drive the lamps is there, but I am probably looking at Mypinballs replacement board to use different lamps or LEDs. The lamp board needs work too as it looks battered and some of the lamp holders are missing (how is that even possible?!)

I am guessing that someone would recognize this WH20 and probably owned it here once, as it has some interesting telltale signs of mods and fixes. For example, the bridge rectifiers have been moved off the board and the power filter is missing. 20240924_094304.webp

So what else does this WH20 need in my opinion?
  1. a new topper lamp driver board
  2. a new translite
  3. cabinet redecalling
  4. cabinet repainting
  5. NVRAM upgrade
  6. LEDS throughout to replace incadescents
  7. Repairs to the topper lamp board
  8. New bumper skirts as the white ones are shot
  9. Cliffy for the mine hole
  10. DMD upgrade (done)
  11. Pinsound upgrade
  12. and other stuff I haven't discovered yet...
I'll post more pics here soon.
So, I have now applied glitter. I used six different types, mainly using silver across 70% of the graphic whilst a range of others for infills. Whilst you cannot see the effect from the photo, it does shimmer in different light. I know the purists will not like it!

Next it's time to install. Just waiting on a new lighting board from @myPinballs as the old one is shot, and then it can be fully installed.


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