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Whitewater PinSound mix


Site Supporter
Jan 12, 2019
Narberth, Pembrokeshire.
A long time coming but looks like it might be with us soon😁

I have news. I would call them good news.
All SFX and speech samples have been succesfully replaced to my satisfaction. I'm actually fine tuning them now. (Stereo panning and volume)
The music as you heard it in my examples is still not done and will probably not be done for quite some time...BUT:
I will release the package with a completely restored music set and my personal shaker profile.
I used state of the art compressors, limiters, equalizers and restoring tools to make the original soundtrack sound deeper, more punchy and clearer. It's stereo enhanced (not true stereo but wider), harsh frequencies have been dynamicaly removed while missing topend has been reintroduced with complex audio restoration. All in all I would call it a more HiFi version of the original that fades in with all the new sounds very naturally.
To me as an audiophile idiot the restoration is a night and day difference. It really needs a stereo update with good speakers to open it's full potential, though. Also the sfx makes heavy use of stereo panning.
When and how this package is going to be released has yet to be announced.
This is not 100% what you all have been waiting for, but believe me that it sounds fantastic. Having Warren Davis as the original Wet Willie alone is worth a ton.
I'm very sorry you all had to wait for so long.
The stuff Endprodukt did for Getaway on Pinsound is a cut above the rest imho... :)
He is a German sound engineer so he needs to be happy which means it will sound great.
Should take the game up another notch, was thinking some Deliverance music would be good😂
Is there anywhere he talks about how he does the work? I've spent time learning Pinsound, so all info is helpful.
It is a bit too gently sounding for me - especially as the game theme is very exciting.

Think I prefer the original.

The voices do sound better.

I'm the opposite: I think the music is quite cool (it's meant to be mellow at first and then gets more frenetic as the game progresses) but the old voices for me were better. Horses for courses I suppose!
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