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Which machine have you, will you keep longest?

Big Phil' date=' post: 1694874 said:
I want more.....even though there is no room for more. I'd love a Starship Troopers and if one came along at the right price, I'd probably snap it up. Think I'd just fold one of my existing machines up and store it in the garage.

I don't want to sell any. Is that greedy? Or is it because I'm a newbie? A hoarder maybe? I dunno...

We all know the feeling. I predict though, that with time you will like many of us realise you can't keep them all, space and money are always an issue .....and also believe it or not you *will get bored*
of some of your games after a while .....and nothing beats that new game in the house feeling :cool:
Its that new game feeling that makes good or even great pins go well before their time;)
I've been in the hobby,as an owner for about 12 or 13 years.Had about 30 in that time and have 14 now and that's too many space wise.

Turned over a few early on but now reasonably settled with what I have - tho not being a good player helps with the longevity,I think.

Not many I think I want to buy in the future maybe Fireball,CPub,MB tho waaay too dear,Iron Man maybe and summat like Centaur
Silverball Mania has been in my collection the longest, nearly three years now. I don't play it much these days though.

TZ and LOTR have been here a while, and they won't be going anywhere fast either.
Replay' date=' post: 1694786 said:
, I think BSD may be kept for a long time as very addictive, challenging, great lighting/sounds and a relative bargain!
Have to agree with the BSD, I nearly hoofed mine out the door after a few days, well I did, I stuck it on site to get rid of it, when I got it back it clicked and is now a cast iron keeper, not everyone’s cup of tea but that's great as you can still pick em up pretty cheap.
F14 Tomcat will stay the longest I think. Not very deep but a great adrenalin rush and it was the machine that I remember playing most at Uni in the late 80's. Now mine has a DMD display and is slowly getting some new software when I get time, courtesy of P-ROC.
Haunted House isn't ever going anywhere! Still love it after all these years.

I expect to keep my LOTR as well, but it's not quite in the same league!
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