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where are all the arcades? :(

The centre drop target stopped registering is my excuse, but the game plays nicely overall there.
I was wondering that, do you mean it wasn't dropping? I couldn't see when I hit them whether they had dropped or not unless I lowered my head to look, and I couldn't hear any sound effects either when they were hit.
There's actually a global event running for Bond, so we can see the best worldwide scores for this month
https://insider.sternpinball.com/insider/events/7940/leaderboards/CPwmr-sHF-jNMP?game=BND needs logging in to view.

I only got 810m when I was at Level over the weekend, so am already out of the top 100. The centre drop target stopped registering is my excuse, but the game plays nicely overall there.
Theres one on Jaws too. But they've pulled the top score,because Eric Stone (maybe others) discovered a 'bug' having completed all of the bounties
A grotty arcade, sounds like they are going for the nostalgic late 80s early 90s arcade ambiance that I remember. The seaside ones were always grotty back then.
It was a shame as we really wanted to like it as it's so close to us.
Cactus was a strange one as Pins always look quite different to me in the flesh than in pictures/videos. I didn't seem to enjoy it as much as the V-Pin version I used to play, and the tilt was very sensitive on it.
CCC is so much better!

Would rather have CC original and put in a CCC kit.

Or wait until someone cracks the CGC one to play CCC
Foo Fighters kicked my ****, I don't think anyone has drained 2 balls faster than I did (not a euphemism). Didn't enjoy the layout at all, the whole upper left playfield felt inaccessible from the main flippers.
Went back to LeVel today, despite what I said previously about Foo Fighters I enjoyed it a lot more this time and no insta-drains. It has grown on me enough to consider owning one.

Mandalorian was OK but the left orbit return frustratingly went SDTM a lot of the time.

The DB5 eject on Bond about 50% of the time went straight into the outlane 🤬. Oh the joys of sited Pinball.
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I’ll try and level Mando next time I’m there
I'm not sure it's a levelling issue, just might need the end of the rail tweaking a little bit. It's the first one I've played so I'm not sure what is considered 'normal' for this game.

From memory fast/slow shots were OK, it is ones in between where the ball diverts off the end enough to go SDTM.
We back to LeVel today, despite what I said previously about Foo Fighters I enjoyed it a lot more this time and no insta-drains. It has grown on me enough to consider owning one.

Mandalorian was OK but the left orbit return frustratingly went STDM a lot of the time.

The DB5 eject on Bond about 50% of the time went straight into the outline 🤬. Oh the joys of sited Pinball.
Yep that's normal with Mando, I just set the ball save to longer and got rid of the frustration
I'm not sure that would help as it can happen anytime during a game.
The Mando I’ve got originally had the same issue. The left orbit just needs to be loosened and repositioned a bit more to the left to stop it guiding the ball SDTM
There seem to be allot of retro arcades popping up where you pay for a 1-2 hour time slot and all the games are on free play, one is currently in Southampton and there building one in Eastliegh :) hope there are some pinballs :)
Had another trip to LeVel in Preston this morning, posted my thoughts on Jaws in the Jaws thread. The tilt was set very tight.

Note that Cactus Canyon was powered off.

James Bond felt very floaty, I don't recall it being like that last time I was there. Might be because I played Jaws before it which was set quite steep.
We went to Retrodome Barnsley today and five out of the twelve pinballs were not working when we went in at 2pm. Six out of action by the time we left .The playfields looked filthy on most of them in fact the entire place was decidedly grubby and not pleasant. I don't think they must touch the arcade area between them closing on a Sunday night and opening again on Friday. I can't see us returning in a hurry.
We swung by here on Saturday.
Stranger things with balls stuck.
Ghostbusters broken
TNA broken

Their Jaws was okay, though!
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