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When should ukpinfest 2020 be held? Poll added

When should Pinfest 2020 be?

  • August bank holiday

    Votes: 30 44.8%
  • September (mid to late)

    Votes: 35 52.2%
  • Other month (please post)

    Votes: 2 3.0%

  • Total voters
Please take this with a pinch of salt as I haven't been to either shows.
A bank Holiday wouldn't be an issue if it was in a major city. You would get lots of passing trade from Joe public, especially on a bank holiday as they will be looking for something to do after the school holidays. Daventry is more a place where you will go specially for Pinfest.
I think you just need to see the passing traffic that the Play expos receive.

By the sounds of it, you are struggling to decide what this event is. Is it for pinheads or is it a fun day out? For Joe public, they don't want to see pins they can't play. Especially new ones like tna and Iron maiden. So holding the main comp at night or at least for a set time would be better.

Thank you so much for this. It got me think about a few other things also and one the most important was the people that make UKPinfest happen. I'm a bit embarrassed about this whole thread now. I should have asked them first as they're the ones giving up their time to make it happen. People visiting are generally there for 3 days. The ones behind the scenes are there for 5 days and they're giving up their valuable family time.

And you're right to ask, what is UKPinfest? Yes, it is for pinheads. All are welcome but it is primarily for pinheads. We have retro events around the country which have pinball sections and they're a fab introduction for spreading the word.

We have the right balance of machines/attendees but I'll make the effort to get more machines. Also have the more desirable machines available for the whole event for the public.

Thanks @Horsey

It looks like it'll be Daventry on the bank holiday again.
I think @Horsey pretty much sums up how I felt about Pinfest.
I couldn't get my head around comp machines stood idle for long periods which were roped off, and the other row of machines starting with BMDK which I thought were for @NeilMcRae competition but I was told was for another competition and out of bounds, so maybe this needs to be clarified. If it means these competitions are vital for Pinfest then that's fine as long as we know what's what.
Re passing trade, I understand no losses were made this time which is brilliant and begs the question how many more visitors would you want, it was pretty full when I was there and if it was any busier at peak time on Saturday, especially with the confusion of non available machines, then I see issues.
Daventry Bank Holiday weekend allows the organisers time to set up and break down and have a well deserved Monday off.
Whatever you decide, please make it happen again.

We'll utilise the other 3 rooms. Have a classic comp in one, league in another and use the last for a talk. All early days but planning starts right now.
The Pinball Amigos were immense over the weekend. They gave personal talks to everyone that showed an interest in their machines. They could have easily setup their machines and wandered off but they were soooo passionate and engaging. They're 100% coming back next year, even if I have to go over there and drag them back. They also mentioned a 3rd machine they have planned.

Ad Jonker didn't do The Matrix himself. A small few were produced under the radar. Kicking myself for turning down the opportunity of owning one.

I'll be emailing all the manufacturers again about next year. We'll sort something out for definite though. Even if it's the hotel manager answering questions about air conditioning....

Thanks must make an effort to talk to them next year!

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Another vote here to keep it at the end of August bank holiday: kids are on holiday so could more easily make it than term time. If they come and enjoy it they’ll want to do the whole weekend which would be harder to do in September. Bank holiday makes it less pressured for those working, so again, could make the whole weekend. Personally as a teacher, I’d struggle to make the full weekend during term time. Especially if not a bank holiday. Sure, you can’t please everyone, but it is the biggest UK pinball event when and where it is currently. Daventry is a good venue, especially compared to Blackpool when I visited play expo last year. Manchester play expo was an improvement but hotel rooms in central Manchester would have been more expensive. Daventry is central, comfortable and reasonably priced so has a lot going for it to help keep numbers up. August kids/teachers are on holiday and it’s such a good event it’s worth planning holidays around and making time for. Defo August.
As one of the organisers of the first UK pinball shows back in the early 2000's, and Swavesey https://sites.google.com/site/swaveseypinball/, the other dedicated UK Pinball event, I've had nearly twenty years experience organising shows. My system is 'ring Martin' as whenever you have a show someone will not be able to make it, therefore it's best to start by trying to avoid every other event and UK meet.

As for location, that's down to the organiser, as again you can't please everyone. When Nick at Pinsanon first started the UK Pinball show he asked me to sort the venue. I booked the Holt Suite at Aston Villa because it was: a large venue, in the middle of the country, blessed with a loading ramp, free of charge for the Friday setup, provided with three phase supply. It also had lots of hotels and food outlets within a short distance. I don't see Daventry as too bad in any of those respects, most large venues will not have aircon or it will not cope with the heat from the machines. It's no accident that most arcades have open frontages and a ton of high up windows.

The real issue of running a show these days is getting enough machines, and vendors through the doors to make the whole thing work. Sadly the vendors, like the high street, are now online so there is no commercial benefit for them humping all their stock to a central location anymore. There's also machine support, a few years ago we did help by running local drop off points but a lot more folk helped by bringing machines, I don't think that the value increase has helped here as there's a world of difference between a machine that only cost a few hundred quid and one in the thousands.

I applaud Phil for running the show, and going back Andy, Will, Nick and all the others. It's hard work and it needs a lot of time and helpers. Book where and when you like, those of us who want to keep the hobby going will turn out if we can.
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Happy with the Bank Holiday, provided it doesn't clash with the South Coast Slam 2020 :clap:

Hope there is special pricing for the Thursday and the Sunday too as probably worth staying the extra nights!
Happy with the Bank Holiday, provided it doesn't clash with the South Coast Slam 2020 :clap:

Whats that now? SCS2020 - say its true!

Likewise very happy with the bank holiday and the Daventry location for next year, will book my room early this time I've managed to miss the availability both the last times, so I've never managed to do any proper Pinfest drinking yet :(
I'm booking that room asap this year, kept putting it off for ages and then wondered why they were fully booked hen I called 3 weeks before the event. Will be great to join in with the evening sessions and really get to know everyone
I just want to chime in and say a massive well done and thanks to @Big Phil and all of the team that made this year's Pinfest as awesome as it was.

This was the first year that we stayed at the Mercure, and, other than the heat in the main hall, I didn't have any issues with the hotel. (Other than the food prices, but hey...) Our room was cool and even had a fan which made things 100x more bearable.

I think the August bank holiday is a good time, and by now, most of the regular attendees are familiar with the venue and its staff, which I guess, makes preparation etc, much easier, though I agree that getting to the hotel without a car is a massive pain.

Just my 2 cents
We have all four rooms available to us. The two back rooms don't have doors really wide enough to get modern pins in. Could have the EM's in there though.

Stage isn't quite big enough for all machines plus there is slight movement when walking on it.
Could we have comp machines in the Corridor next to the hall, where some of the machines were last year, and Chris b set up, would be good to have the main hall machines open to all, and a comp anyone could enter.
What we need is more machine donators before we start spilling out into the side rooms and corridors. Come on, pinheads. Dig deep. You must have a pinball you can donate. If it wasn't for the same faces year on year, we wouldn't have an event at all.
I can't really add a lot to the discussion as it was my first time attending this year and only for the Saturday day session. But there's not much I (and crucially the misses) could fault about the experience.
The hotel felt like a nice place to be, with plenty of open areas inside and out for getting some refreshments/socialising away from the main room. The parking situation was great, loads of spaces. And £3.50 for a pint of beer in a hotel? I'M IN!!!! ;)
The ratio of pins and attendees was just about right, we never had to wait long to get on a machine. It didn't go unnoticed how quickly machines were brought back into service after suffering an issue, fantastic job! My only (very) minor complaint was that the ceiling lights reflected badly on the playfield glass on some of the machines, but then what can do you do about that. I was also disappointed that Iron Maiden was fenced off for the competition, as I would have loved a go on that.
Whatever date the event is on next year I will do my best to attend and make it a full weekend, but the bank holiday is a bonus as it gives those that are at work the following week an extra day off :)
But yeah, thanks to @Big Phil and everyone else that worked hard to make it such an enjoyable event 👍
I will be bringing more pins next year - if I can get a bigger vehicle - knowing me - I have no idea what they will be...

I don't expect it will be the latest shiny though, unless those lucky numbers come in.
I could only bring 1 this year but will try to bring more next year for sure - obviously it will probably be weird Gottliebs and not anything new if that's okay? 🤣
Brilliant, daventry bank hol already in my diary, when do tickets go on sale [emoji6] thanks to phil and all the team.

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What we need is more machine donators before we start spilling out into the side rooms and corridors. Come on, pinheads. Dig deep. You must have a pinball you can donate. If it wasn't for the same faces year on year, we wouldn't have an event at all.
I'm happy to do shuttle runs again next year to bring a few more of mine over.

I'll put my foot down if Lou says we have to have a holiday that clashes again!!*

*Actual conversation will involve me begging, and promising a better holiday at a different time. :rofl:
I have never brought a pin at a show. And I feel guilty about it.
I am tempted to bring Excalibur next year but it isn't on free play. I'll have to sort that out first.
The other one I have, vector is old and battered.
I am tempted to bring Excalibur next year but it isn't on free play. I'll have to sort that out first.

Bring it Dom, double switch the start button so it also credits when you start a game (I've done loads of mine this way) but there is also a freeplay rom... although it does go a bit weird on this title sometimes depending on dip switch settings.

As for weird Gottliebs… I can also assist. Maybe a System 80B lineup with one in the comp(s) just to throw off the top players. :p
I'll start another thread on how to double switch the start button then. But I like the concept.
Bit late to the party here. Not a pin owner, just an enthusiastic player. The date for me isn't an issue as my friend and I will always find a way to make most dates. We love the fact that you guys are willing to share your hobby on such a massive scale, and will always try and make it to events. Have been to Play many times (both Blackpool and Manchester), and spend most of my time on the pins. Visited NERG for the first time this as well and loved it, will definitely be returning.

Pinfest however is something different. So many great pins all under one roof, cheap hotel, decent enough breakfast, and being able to walk from your room, to the bar, to a pin. Been the last two years at the Mercure and love it. Haven't felt brave enough to enter a comp, mainly because I'm 98% useless, with the odd 2% of luck thrown in. Have met a couple of the guys from the shows, Dave from NLP and Big Phil, and it's great to realise that these events all happen because of the passion you all share. Thanks so much for everything that you all do, the time you give up, the pins you bring, the hassle you go through, it is very much appreciated.

Hopefully see a few of you at next years show.
Appreciate the feedback. Really trying hard to bring something special to next year's event.
Ca'n't wait to hear more. PS - hotel have inadvertently booked me and Clare in for the Thu Night as well as rest of the weekend. Do you need any helpers on Thursday???????
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