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What Game would you wait wait for l?

Dave Bishop

Site Supporter
10 Years
Jul 21, 2011
Sidcup, Kent
Apologies if this rubs people up the wrong way.

Based on the rumours / announcements coming around, what games are people most looking forward to.

I’m interested in a. TMNT LE, it looks good and was in my kid days and I can relate. My son also likes the look of it- but he’s 6.. and he goes from D.I - Wonka- Starwars- BM66 as his favourites..

JJP have a cryptic announcement few days ago
What is this Innovation (not WiFi updates)?
if it is GNR or Toy Story - themes not really interested in...

Rumour of BACK TO THE FUTURE!! This is a must have for me!. Especially As Elwin is rumoured to be designing and with Joe K from Kapow- if code anything like BM66I will be in for a LE/SLE for sure..- but when is it going to be announced?
LED ZEPPELIN rumoured before, any other pins after that?

What games are people looking forward to!?
I'd at least wait for the JJP announcement, but then I'm much less driven by theme, far more driven by layout/mechs/rules.
TMNT looks to have some great rules at get go,
The shots look fast and fun..

Does anyone have intel on when JJP next Announcement will come!? I get they released the teaser video to try and cut Stern’s TMNT sales.

JJP have to give us more if they want to get a slice of the pie, sales are going to be hard to come by in this crisis, so games need to be packed, have innovative edge and great code..
I love the look of TMNT which is not only a theme close to my heart but is one of Gabes (my 8yr old) fav franchises ever. At the beginning of the year when rumours were circulating and it was kinda a given it would be sterns next pin I was 100% in on an LE regardless but 11k has kinda been a wake up call and put things into perspective.
Do I sell WOZ, IM & FG (3 games I love) to fund an LE or maybe TZ & IM for a pro when I haven’t even played one? For me it’s neither until I see and play one out in the wild and until then I’m more interested in some of the bargains that are popping up here with many LEs included that I have actually played but never owned.
To answer your question Dave yes I am looking forward to quite a few of the pins rumoured including GnR & BTTF and I still get a buzz out of leaked pics and release streams but from now on I’m gonna be very selective and play the pin before committing regardless if it’s my grail theme like TMNT.
Have searched - cannot find price- it was all POA!?

enlighten me @CHRIS B PINBALLS

I really don’t know Dave I have tried to get a price from electrocoin but they would not tell me I think that this is done deliberately so they can charge what they want to the right person electrocoin did have 1 bm66 sle and hinted they would take 22k for it
My advice to you is start saving and if they do a bttf sle then you will have the money but don’t expect it till mid or late next year
My opinion on super le is if you are not absolutely loaded then don’t bother was a Elvira signature edition worth 10k more for rad cals and a patch of Elvira s sofa I don’t think so
The bm66 sle was a thing of beauty but only extras over le where rad cals speakers illuminated and a few other bits not really worth the extra
I've got a sort of similar dilemma. The second I saw Stern hadn't ballsed up Turtles I knew I had to get one. That said BttF is right up there and if Elwin etc nail that....

Guess some people like spunking money, or maybe not as it hasn’t sold. I really struggled with justifying 9k for an Elvira. Much as I love it, it’s a fortune for a toy. However I cut it it’s not twice as good as say acdc or AFM. i can’t ever imagine spending over twice that amount. Guessing it’s being treated as luxury designer stuff that people might buy just to brag about rather than play.
That’s nothing to some people, they wouldn’t even think twice about spending that. Good for them.
Its the FOMO (fear of missing out) of others that causes problems, I just wished I lived near to some of those people who don’t think twice😁
BBB come on CGC :)
I forgot all about that one, it was one of my favorites on my Vpin and played the hell out of it. Imagine the treatment CGC will bring to the table with enhanced DMD, RGB lighting & the many more enhancement to scupts ect. one can only marvel at the thought of what a beautiful topper they couple bring to the party.
I would have def been in on a GnR..... alas, I’ve no room left.
I think JJP have dropped the ball, this should have been ready to go same time as TMNT. Not sure what they are waiting on to be honest.
Losing out on sales......
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