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What are these Taito coins?


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Jan 11, 2018
During my week off I decided to have a big workshop clear out and I found these strange coins in a bag. They're all branded with Taitos name and most have space invaders on them besides 2... Most say 2007 on them, then one says 2004 and the other 1992. Does anyone have any idea what these could be? There really small, probably about the size of a penny (but a lot thicker) I definitely didn't buy them so I imagine I found them in a machine at some pointPXL_20240728_102344743.jpgPXL_20240728_102432495.jpgPXL_20240728_102441302.jpgPXL_20240728_102448025.jpg
I'm stupid, just had a hunch about them and looked back at old photos and can confirm they're from Taito Station in Shinjuku, they were used in one of the huge coin pushers (Medal pusher). We hit a huge jackpot while playing and I must of stuffed a handful in my pocket to keep 😂 not sure if they have any value but if any arcadey people want them let me know 👍🏻
I’d love a few for
My space invaders project, it came without a coin mech and I’ve found somewhere that supplies original Japanese mechs
Someone selling the space invaders ones at 3 for £10 on eBay and the one with the head of a person for 20 for £20 . Space invaders ones do look cool 😎
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