LE/PRE V0.98.0 - August 12, 2020
- Added new text to the Light the Fire total display effect.
- Added a new background video to the Light the Fire Completed display effect.
- Changed the debounce logic for the center lane opto switch to be more sensitive.
- Now, during Send it Back Multiball, the Super Jackpot value grows by a
"non-multiplied" score award value.
- Now, during Total Isolation Multiball and Total Isolation 2 Multiball, the
Super Jackpot value grows by a "non-multiplied" score award value.
- Fixed a problem in Light the Fire Multiball where Pop/Spinner awards were
building the Super Jackpot with "multiplied" score award values.
- Now, during Light the Fire Multiball, the Super Jackpot value grows by a
"non-multiplied" score award value.
- Tweaked speech timings to be in sync with videos that occur during Light the
Fire Multiball Double Jackpot awards.
- Added an echo/reverb FX to the speech that occurs during Light the Fire Multiball
Jackpot events to help the speech sound like it is coming from a tunnel.
- Changed the volume of SFX when speech is played during Light the Fire Multiball.
- Added new Jackpot SFX to Light the Fire Multiball.
- Added logic to Light the Fire Multiball so only 1 Jackpot or Double Jackpot
SFX plays at a time.
- Added logic to Light the Fire Multiball to allow a Jackpot SFX to play while
a Double Jackpot SFX is playing.
- Added logic to Light the Fire Multiball to allow a Jackpot lightshow to play
while a Double Jackpot lightshow is playing.
- Added a new Light the Fire Multiball Super Jackpot SFX.
- Added logic to hold the ball at the left eject and left lane eject until the
conclusion of the Light the Fire Multiball Super Jackpot display effect.
- Tweaked the timing when speech occurs during the Light the Fire Multiball
Double Jackpot award sequence.
- Added speech and SFX to the Light the Fire Multiball Jackpot, Double Jackpot
- Fixed a problem where the Demodog target lamps were obfuscated by the Light
the Fire Multiball Double Jackpot award lightshows.
- Added new Light the Fire Multiball Jackpot, Double Jackpot, and Super Jackpot
video awards.
- Now the pop bumpers and spinner add to the Super Jackpot value during Light
the Fire Multiball.
- Fixed a problem where the Send it Back Completed LCD Display effect video
played slowly.
- Fixed a problem where the Send it Back Intro LCD display effect, upon ending,
didn't transition smoothly to the Send it Back background LCD display effect
- Now the Light the Fire Multiball Super Jackpot display effect will indicate
if the score award was multiplied by 2X.
- Improved the game logic timing that handles ball draining and feature completed
display effects that occur during Light the Fire Multiball.
- Fixed a problem where Mystery display effects were not fully flipper blown
off when the "Abort Animations" adjustment was set to "ALL".
- Added topper functionality.
- Added several topper attract mode lamp effects.
- Added a new video to play on the LCD background during the "It's a Trap"
total display effect.
- Shortened the video that plays on the LCD background during the "Junk Yard"
total display effect.
- Added a new video to Light the Fire Multiball mode total display effect.
- Changed the Center Lane Arrow Jackpot lightshow during Light the Fire to
highlight the Demodog targets.
- The lights from other rules that are not available during Light the Fire have
been turned off to visually help the player see what/where they should be shooting.
- Added logic to turn off the Center Lane Arrow after lighting all the Demodog
targets during Light the Fire Multiball.
- Now, during Light the Fire Multiball, the Super Jackpot can be collected at
the Left Lane for a 1X Super Jackpot, or, at the Left Eject for a 2X Super Jackpot.
- Changed the rules for Light the Fire Multiball. Now Light the Fire Multiball
is a 3 ball multiball with an extended ball saver. The Center Lane Arrow shot
is lit for a Jackpot(s). Make this shot to collect a Jackpot and light 1 of 7
Demodog targets for a Double Jackpot. Complete all the Jackpots/Double Jackpots
to light a Super Jackpot. Once the Super Jackpot shot is made the flippers
are turned off, balls drain and 1 ball is kicked back into play.
- Changed the Light the Fire ball save timer adjustment values. Default setting
time = 40 seconds, min = 5 seconds, max = 100 seconds.
- Removed reserved lamps from the Light the Fire Jackpot/Double Jackpot award
- Removed the individual switch scoring rule from Light the Fire.
- Now Send it Back Multiball Jackpot score award values start at 4 Million.