Wish some of you guys lived in Devon lol
I'll have to do something about a box opening do as it looks like I'll have TWD, Predator and MMr all hitting at almost the same time. Maybe if I keep the boxes then they can be refashioned into some form of coffin for me when Anna discovers exactly how much that little lot will set us back.
So it's been what, 4 hours and no one has 'dibbed' your Addams yet?I've made the decision on buying The Walking Dead LE, my first Stern NIB.
Addams will make way to fund this , it's a peach but one of five that I built back up to new condition and sold on. It's not like I won't be able to do another in the future.
Always said I would not buy a new pin but this title ticks all the boxes for me and as with my other purchase of Predator it's a title I just had to have.
So all this time in this great hobby being more than happy with second hand used pinball machines then just like buses two new ones come along together.
Am I excited ? Hell yeh.
I had Metallica before the big code update. It sat in my lounge unplayed for 3 months - the code was just dull. Nearly sold it and then code dropped. It is an amazing game now. Some people are able to get 300 million jackpots on the CIU modes!! Not me but with Lyman on the code there is soooo much to learn in this game!Metallica is great now with the new code, far better than I had anticipated. With initial code it was was meh at best.
Code for TWD is a concern as I can see me waiting a year to get a fully playable game. So saying I very much doubt The Hobbit will be much more than a box with lights in Dec. Woz was frankly dreadful when I first played one and that experience has really overshadowed everything for me when ever I've seen one. Initially I was really pumped for the hobbit but I stuck down cash on the understanding that it would be released in July 14 with the initial artwork they showed. Neither of these things turned out to be true.
JJP are great at taking money according to their original schedule but I got to the situation where I had 4.5 grand committed and no real idea what the game was or when I would see it. Still love the theme and hope it will be a fantastic game but TWD ticks a load more boxes for me, just hoping it plays well (and ****, shouldn't that be the main thing)
Kinds of hoping Stern will keep releasing more themes like Mustang next year so I'm not tempted at all by more new titles. If they release an Aerosmith pin or Game of Thrones one then **** only knows hoe I'd raise the money
Anyone know where in the NL, or who to ask? Seeing as I'm in NL now, would love to be able to get a go and take some pics and vids for you fellas.....