I spent an enjoyable evening at
@Nedreud earlier in the week testing the boards that came with the project, breaking his new S&T test rig and keeping him and his tortoise up past midnight. Thank you for your help Nedrued.
On the boards front...
- S&T Tested Working
- 3x MPU not booting to single flash
- Aux lamp driver tested working
need lamp driver and HV/Solenoid board which Nedrued has in stock and the project came with several NOS MPUs, PIAs etc
I discovered that I couldn't match connectors because the backbox loom that came with the project is actually from an Eight Ball! The cluesy is that VECTOR looms cam with light blue card labels printed VECTOR and Eight Ball comes with orange labels marked....
We then deconstructed the working VECTOR to identify the following required wiring;
1. Loom from Rectifier board A2 J3 & J4 to Backbox one
24 pin inline connector (white). Also has two flat spurs that connect through the single Triac on power mounting plate.
2. Cable from Aux board on BB inside door. This has two display type connectors to two inline connectors and is distinctive cos one of them is red. It also has a blue cable that spurs onto the BB GI stapled wiring.
3. Backbox loom that connects the 5x displays on door and connects to the backbox PCBs. This is distinctive as on the final display the cabling spurs to an inline connector which in turn connects to the VECTOR scan display embedded in the playfield
4. Cabinet complete loom and tilt board. Basically everything from the line filter round the cabinet switches (power,flippers, tilt...) and mechs (knocker). This contains the power connector with voltage jumpers and A2 J2 then routes up into the backbox to connect two PCBs and a flat 5 pin connector and the 2-wire speaker cable.
I hope to find some of this out there but worst case could be made up from scratch